
Boilerplate repository showing how to speedrun from idea to a reproducible experiment setup.

Primary LanguagePython


Boilerplate repository showing how to speedrun from idea to a reproducible experiment setup with Pytorch.

This repository contains code to train a ResNet on Cifar-10. To get started: install speedrun, fork this repository and hack away! Make sure to also install tensorboardX while you're at it.

Run Example

To run the example code on CPU, do the following.

cd speedrun-springboard
mkdir experiments
python train.py experiments/FIRST-0 --inherit templates/BASE-X

This will make a new experiment directory experiments/FIRST-0 (see speedrun for more on that).

Now to train on GPU with a different learning rate, you could do the following:

python train.py experiments/FIRST-1 --inherit experiments/FIRST-0 --config.device 'cuda:0' --config.optimizer.kwargs.lr 0.01

This will make another experiment directory experiments/FIRST-1.

Happy Hacking!