
Guided introduction to the Rust programming language.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Rust Dojo 2018

⚠ Warning: This repository is frozen in time, and getting no new (security) updates. It is left public, should it help and offer some guidance around its subjects to future visitors. However, for latest guidance on involved subjects, we recommend going to the official sources.

According to the official website, Rust is a systems programming language that runs blazingly fast, prevents segfaults, and guarantees thread safety. Rust draws lots of inspiration from existing languages and integrates many features that you will find in Scala, C# or Haskell. However, the combination of features that Rust offers is quite unique.

This document is part of a Rust coding dojo held at Infi on November 26th 2018. It is not a detailed tutorial on how to become a Rust expert, though if that is your aim you can give The Rust Book a try. Our Rust dojo is meant to awaken interest in the language and give you the tools to start your Rust journey.


In this dojo we are going to use Rust 1.30.1, which you can get following the instructions here.

You can test your setup running the following commands:

cargo new hello_world
cd hello_world
cargo run

Running the commands above should:

  • Create a new Rust project
  • Run the project and print Hello, world! to the console

The current IDE situation is not great. At this moment, the best alternatives are ItelliJ IDEA with the IntelliJ-Rust plugin and Visual Studio Code with the Rust (rls) extension. Both extensions are available for download from their respective marketplaces.

If you want to try out small code snippets without setting up a Rust project you can use the online Rust playground.

Important: make sure you have a working compiler and IDE before the dojo! The exercises below assume that you can run cargo on your machine to compile and run Rust projects.


Enums and Result

If you see a Rust enum you may think they are just the same as in other languages. Consider for instance the code below:

enum Day {

In other languages you can use the switch statement to execute different code depending on the value of an enum. The function below does exactly this, using Rust's match construct, to check wheter it is Friday:

fn is_it_already_friday(day: Day) -> bool {
    match day {
        // It is Friday!
        Day::Friday => true,
        // Not friday :(
        _ => false,

The name match hints that there is more going on than just a switch statement. In fact, match allows you to pattern match on a value. To illustrate this, let us define a more interesting enum that describes figures:

enum Figure {
    Rectangle(f32, f32),

Compared to Day, the Figure enum has the difference that each of the variants contains values. In the case of Figure::Square, the single f32 represents the length of its side. In the case of Figure::Rectangle, there are two f32 fields: one representing the width and other representing the height. Consider the calculate_area function, where we pattern match to extract the f32 fields depending on the enum variant:

fn calculate_area(figure: Figure) -> f32 {
    match figure {
        Figure::Square(side) => side * side,
        Figure::Rectangle(width, height) => width * height,

Enum exercises

Below is a list of exercises related to enums. You can use the crate in the enums directory as a playground. There you will find the functions and types referenced in the exercises.

1. Enhance the Figure enum with an additional variant

Currently, Figure only supports squares and rectangles. This is obviously not enough... We should support circles as well! Add a variant Circle that contains the radius of the circle as a 32-bit floating point number (f32).

Note: the crate will no longer compile after you finish this exercise, but we will solve that in the next one.

2. Fix the calculate_area function

Introducing a Circle variant causes a compile error in the calculate_area function. This happens because the match construct must cover all possible enum variants, but it is now only covering two of them, as you can see below:

fn calculate_area(figure: Figure) -> f32 {
    match figure {
        Figure::Square(side) => side * side,
        Figure::Rectangle(width, height) => width * height,

Fix the function by adding a new match arm for Figure::Circle that returns the area of the figure (i.e. π * r ^ 2). You will need the value of π, which you can use through std::f64::consts::PI.

3. Create a function is_rectangular

Sometimes it is useful to know whether a figure is rectangular. Write function is_rectangular that returns true for squares and rectangles and false for circles.


  • You can copy and paste the code of calculate_area and modify the return values.
  • If you get warnings because of unused variables, remember that you can replace unused variable names by _.

4. Bonus: write a function get_square_side

Sometimes you know the figure you have is a square. In such cases, writing a full match expression seems like overkill. Look:

match figure {
    Figure::Square(side) => {
        // Do something with `side`
    _ => panic!("This code is unreachable")

It would be much nicer to be able to say:

let side = figure.get_square_side();

Write a function get_square_side that returns the side if the figure is a square. You may choose between:

  • Crashing if the figure is not a square
  • Returning an Option<f32> that contains the side

The advantage of returning an option is that the caller gets to choose what to do if the figure was not a square. This is the more idiomatic choice. The Option<T> type has a handy unwrap method that returns the value inside the option or crashes if there was no value. This means you could get the square side as follows:

let side = figure.get_square_side().unwrap();

5. Bonus: write unit tests for calculate_area

The documentation describes how you can write unit tests for Rust functions using the #[test] annotation. Write tests to ensure that your implementation of calculate_area is correct.

Hint: use the assert! and assert_eq! macros to check whether your assumptions hold.


⚠ Warning: working with Rust strings for the first time can be highly frustrating. Good luck!

In Rust land there are two kinds of strings. The String type represents the normal, mutable, string we all are used to and the &str type represents an immutable string reference. This can get very confusing, so let's look at a bunch of examples.

In the code below, the greet function receives an immutable string as a parameter, representing the name of a person. It then formats the name and returns a new string. Notice that the types differ (the parameter uses &str and the return type uses String).

fn greet(name: &str) -> String {
    format!("Good morning {}", name)

You can test the previous function with the following code:

fn main() {
    let greeting = greet("John Doe");
    println!("{}", greeting);
    // Prints: Good morning John Doe

Since a String is mutable, you can modify the greeting before printing it. For instance, you could add some text after it:

fn main() {
    let mut greeting = greet("John Doe");
    greeting.push_str(", it is always nice to see you");
    println!("{}", greeting);
    // Prints: Good morning John Doe, it is always nice to see you

String literals create immutable strings, of type &str. This means you cannot modify them, unless you first transform them into a String (this is what format! does under the hood). The code below tries to modify a &str, but fails to compile:

fn main() {
    let str_greeting = "Good morning John Doe";
    // The following line triggers a compile error
    str_greeting.push_str(", it is always nice to see you");
    println!("{}", str_greeting);

To turn a &str into a String you first have to create an empty String and then copy the characters from the &str. Since this is a very common operation, the standard library includes a function that does this for you: to_string. See below the previous code snippet, now fixed:

fn main() {
    let str_greeting = "Good morning John Doe";
    let mut greeting = str_greeting.to_string();
    greeting.push_str(", it is always nice to see you");
    println!("{}", greeting);

It is also possible to turn a String into a &str. In the following example, the name is a String, but the greet function expects a &str, so the code doesn't compile:

fn main() {
    let name = "John Doe".to_string();
    // The following line triggers a compile error: expected a &str, got a String
    let greeting = greet(name);
    println!("{}", greeting);

You can go from String to &str by calling as_str. This is so common that Rust coerces the String type into a &str if the reference operator (&) is used (after all, &str is a string reference). The code below fixes the compile error from the previous example:

fn main() {
    let name = "John Doe".to_string();
    let greeting = greet(name.as_str());
    // Also valid:
    // let greeting = greet(&name);
    println!("{}", greeting);

At this point, the million dollar question is: when should I use &str and when String? In the general case, use String when you want to transfer ownership and &str otherwise. If you are not familiar with Rust's ownership model you might want to read the docs or just ask for help during the dojo.

String exercises

Below is a list of exercises related to strings. You can use the crate in the strings directory as a playground. There you will find the functions and types referenced in the exercises.

1. Modify the greet function so it takes a String

The version of greet in the strings directory receives a &str as a parameter. What happens if you change it to String? Can you fix the compile errors? Hint: the main function is passing a &str to greet, but you now need a String.

2. Handle empty names in the greet function

Currently, greet does not have special logic to handle empty names. If you call it with the empty string it will return "Good morning ", which is unfortunate. Adapt the function so it returns something more interesting (like "Good morning stranger").

Hint: you will probably want to use the is_empty method on the String. Sidenote: the String type actually doesn't have an is_empty method, but &str does. Fortunately, a String can call methods defined for &str because of this magic.

3. Optional: manipulate strings in creative ways inside the greet method

Check out the String and &str documentation to see a list of available functions. There are functions to turn strings to uppercase, trim them, split them into lines, etc. Note that you may click on the [-] button to get an overview of the available functions.

4. Create a struct Person

Create a struct Person that contains a field name of type String. Recall the syntax to define structs:

struct Test {
    number: i32

After defining the struct, implement a method Person::greet that returns a String with the greeting, in the same vein as the greet function we have been using in the rest of the exercise. Recall the syntax to implement methods:

impl Test {
    fn method_name(/* params */) -> /* return type */ { /* body */ }

Ensure it is possible to call Person::greet more than once, as in person.greet(); person.greet();. Hint: there is a difference between using self and &self in the first parameter of the method.

5. Bonus (difficult): implement FizzBuzz in Rust

Yes, it is true... Writing FizzBuzz in Rust can get surprisingly tricky because of the interaction between &str and String. Follow this blog post for a detailed walkthrough.

6. Bonus (difficult): use &str instead of String in the Person struct

The Person struct has a field name of type String. What happens if you replace it by &str?

Hint: if you get stuck, try using &'static str instead of &str as the type. Here 'static is the lifetime of the &str. You can read more on that in the official book.

While easy to write, using 'static is kind of cheating, since it means you will only be able to store string literals in Person. You can test this yourself by creating a String, turning it into a &str and trying to store that in Person. Spoiler: it will not compile.

Can you modify the struct so it also accepts the &str mentioned above? You will probably want to read this chapter of the official book.

Traits and iterators

Iterators are among Rust's most useful features. They represent streams of data, which you can manipulate using tons of handy functions, like map (equivalent to C#'s Select) and filter (equivalent to Where). All collections in the Rust standard library support iterating through their elements by calling the iter method. For instance, you can count the amount of even numbers in a vector using the following code:

let numbers = vec![42, 33, 7, 101];
let even_count = numbers.iter().filter(|x| *x % 2 == 0).count();

Sidenote: we are using *x in the lambda passed to filter because x is a reference to a number. Its type is &u32, but we need a u32 to use the % operator. We remove the reference by using the dereference operator (*).

Iterators are also used when going through a collection in a for loop. For instance, you can print all numbers in a vector with the following code:

let numbers = vec![42, 33, 7, 101];
for x in numbers.iter() {
    println!("{}", x);

Since iterating through a collection in a for loop is such a common use case, there is syntactic sugar that allows you to omit the iter call completely, as shown below:

let numbers = vec![42, 33, 7, 101];
for x in &numbers {
    println!("{}", x);

Sidenote: we are using &numbers here instead of numbers to indicate that the for loop is borrowing the contents of the vector, instead of consuming them. If you remove the & you won't be able to use numbers in the code that comes after the for loop.

Combining the features mentioned above we can come up with the following code to print the even numbers from a vector:

fn print_even_numbers(numbers: Vec<u32>) {
    for x in numbers.iter().filter(|x| *x % 2 == 0) {
        println!("{}", x);

Rust allows you to create your own iterators as well. That is the purpose of the Iterator trait, defined as follows:

trait Iterator {
    type Item;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;
    // ...
    // Lots of functions defined below, like `map`, `filter` and friends,
    // which you get for free if you implement the `next` function

There is no more magic to it than this. An iterator is just an object with a next method that returns the next element in the stream, or Nothing if you have reached the last element. Below is an example of an iterator over all positive integers:

struct PositiveInts {
    current: u32,

impl PositiveInts {
    fn new() -> PositiveInts {
        PositiveInts { current: 0 }

impl Iterator for PositiveInts {
    type Item = u32;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<u32> {
        // Stop when we reach the last integer
        if self.current == std::u32::MAX {
            return None;

        let ret = self.current;
        self.current += 1;

After defining PositiveInts we can use it the same way as the other iterators. Notice, however, that this iterator will produce a huge amount of elements, so it is probably a bad idea to iterate through all of them. We can use the take function to express that we are only interested in the first 10 elements:

fn main() {
    // Print the first 10 positive integers
    for x in PositiveInts::new().take(10) {
        println!("{}", x);

By the way, iterating through sequences of numbers is such a common operation that there is special syntax for it, called range syntax:

fn main() {
    // Print the first 10 positive integers
    for x in 0..10 {
        println!("{}", x);

Iterator exercises

Below is a list of exercises related to iterators. You can use the crate in the iterators directory as a playground. There you will find the functions and types referenced in the exercises.

1. Rewrite the print_even function using iterators

Check out the print_even function in iterators/src/main.rs. It is defined as follows:

fn print_even() {
    for x in 0..10 {
        if x % 2 == 0 {
            println!("{}", x);

Can you replace the for loop by iterator functions? Hint 1: use filter and for_each. Hint 2: you can call iterator methods on ranges, like this: (1..10).sum().

2. Rewrite the sum_squares function using iterators

The sum_squares function is defined as follows:

fn sum_squares() -> u32 {
    let mut sum = 0;
    for x in 0..10 {
        sum += x * x;


Can you replace the for loop by iterator functions? Hint: use map and sum.

3. Create an iterator that returns the elements of a Vec<u32>

We saw above that it is possible to create your own iterators. As shown in the PositiveInts example, this requires two things:

  1. Defining a struct, which will be the iterator
  2. Implementing the Iterator trait for your struct. That is, implementing the next function

If you call your iterator VecIter and create it with a function vec_to_iter, then you should be able to use it as follows:

fn main() {
    let xs = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
    for x in vec_to_iter(xs) {
        println!("{}", x);


  1. You will need two field in your iterator struct: one to store the vector, another to store the current index
  2. The type of vector indices is usize, not u32 or u64

4. Bonus: use a mutable iterator in square_vector

The square_vector function uses indexing to replace the values of the elements of the vector:

fn square_vector(numbers: &mut Vec<u32>) {
    for i in 0..numbers.len() {
        numbers[i] *= numbers[i];

It is also possible to iterate through the vector and modify the elements without using indexing. This also prevents mistakes like mixing indexes in a nested loop. There is a function called iter_mut which is similar to iter but allows you to modify the elements returned by the iterator. Rewrite square_vector so it uses iter_mut instead of indexing.

5. Bonus (advanced): create a non-consuming iterator that returns the elements of a Vec<u32>

In Rust parlance, we say that a value is consumed whenever you transfer ownership to a different owner. For instance, the iterator for Vec<u32> defined in exercise 3 consumes the vector, meaning that you cannot reuse the vector after creating the iterator. You can check this by trying to compile the following code:

fn main() {
    let xs = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
    for x in vec_to_iter(xs) {
        println!("{}", x);

    // The line below triggers a compile error, because we are not allowed to use `xs` again
    // In other words, `xs` has been consumed by `vec_to_iter`
    for x in vec_to_iter(xs) {
        println!("{}", x);

The challenge is to create an iterator that does not consume the vector. Again, you will need to create a struct and implement the Iterator trait for it. Again, you will need two struct fields, one to store the current index and one to store the vector.

There is a difference, however, with the iterator you previously implemented. This time you will need to keep a reference to the vector. Instead of storing a Vec<u32> in the iterator struct, you will need to store a &Vec<u32>. You can check it works by trying to compile the example above.