the repo is dedicated to support streamlit app on the could
the app address
How to install streamlit locally:
1. Install environment manager: conda
2. In terminal: conda create -n ID_ML_streamlit python=3.9
3. In terminal: conda activate ID_ML_streamlit
4. Download this repo and open it in terminal
5. In terminal: pip install -r ./requirements.txt
How to run streamlit app:
1. open terminal:
Mac_Launchpad -> Other -> Terminal
Mac_Launchpad -> Search -> Terminal
In the terminal
2. conda activate TN
Go to the folder with the app
3. cd ~/Downloads/ID_SD_MLtestA-main
cd ~/Downloads/ID_TN_MLtest_B-main
Run the app
4. streamlit run
The app should be open automatically in the default web browser.