
Showcases how HotRod clients remotely access to a secured Red Hat Data Grid cluster running on Red Hat Openshift Container Platform

Primary LanguageJava

Using Secured Remote Access to Cache in Openshift via HotRod

Example of how to setup a local Hot Rod client running against a RHDG cluster in an Openshift environment.

What is it?

Hot Rod is a binary TCP client-server protocol used in Red Hat Data Grid. The Hot Rod protocol facilitates faster client and server interactions in comparison to other text based protocols(Memcached, REST) and allows clients to make decisions about load balancing, failover and data location operations.

The hotrod-secured-remote-access-datagrid-openshift demo demonstrates how to connect securely to remote Red Hat Data Grid (RHDG) running on Openshift to store, retrieve, and remove data from cache using the Hot Rod protocol.

System requirements

All you need to build this project is:

  • Java 8.0 (Java SDK 1.8) or higher,
  • Maven 3.3.x or higher.
  • Red Hat Data Grid 7.3 is running on top of Openshift 3.11
  • keytool is also needed to manage certificates, keystore and truststore

The Java application is designed to be run locally

Preparating Openshift Environment

Some parts of this sections can be skipped if already done

  1. Login as admin
$ oc login <admin>
  1. Import datagrid-service template
$ oc create -n openshift -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-datagrid-7-openshift-image/datagrid73/services/datagrid-service-template.yaml
  1. Import jboss-datagrid-7/datagrid73-openshift image
$ oc import-image -n openshift jboss-datagrid-7/datagrid73-openshift --from=registry.redhat.io/jboss-datagrid-7/datagrid73-openshift --all --confirm

Deploying Red Hat Data Grid 7.3.x on Openshift

  1. Login as user and create OCP project
$ oc login <user>
$ oc new-project rhdg
  1. Deploy Red Hat Data Grid
$ oc new-app datagrid-service -n rhdg \
    -p APPLICATION_USER=datagrid \
    -p APPLICATION_PASSWORD=datagrid \
    -e CACHE_NAMES=teams
  1. Create a SSL Route for Hod Rod Service
$ oc create -n rhdg route passthrough secure-datagrid-app-hotrod --service datagrid-service
$ oc get -n rhdg route secure-datagrid-app-hotrod

NAME                         HOST/PORT                                                                  PATH      SERVICES           PORT      TERMINATION   WILDCARD
secure-datagrid-app-hotrod   secure-datagrid-app-hotrod-rhdg.<Openshift Application Suffix>                       datagrid-service   hotrod    passthrough   None

Hot Rod client configuration

  1. Clone the current project
$ git clone https://github.com/infinispan-demos/hotrod-secured-remote-access-datagrid-openshift.git
$ cd hotrod-secured-remote-access-datagrid-openshift
  1. Edit src/main/resources/jdg.properties as following
jdg.host=secure-datagrid-app-hotrod-rhdg.<Openshift Application Suffix>
  1. Extract the trusted certificate from the service-certs secret
$ oc get -n rhdg secret service-certs -o jsonpath='{.data.tls\.crt}' | base64 -d > tls.crt
  1. Import the trusted certificate into a new trustore for the Java application
$ keytool -import -noprompt -v -trustcacerts -keyalg RSA -alias datagrid-service \
    -storepass mykeystorepass -file tls.crt -keystore src/main/resources/truststore.jks

Build and Run the Quickstart

$ mvn clean package && mvn exec:java

Using the application

Login as datagrid/datagrid. Basic usage scenarios can look like this:

    at  -  add a team
    ap  -  add a player to a team
    rt  -  remove a team
    rp  -  remove a player from a team
    p   -  print all teams and players
    q   -  quit

Type q one more time to exit the application.