
A yeoman-based template to generate a systemic microservice

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC



A generator for a systemic microservice


First, install Yeoman and generator-systemic using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).

# Install yeoman
npm install -g yo
# We need to tell where the package is
npm set registry https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/infinitas/_packaging/Infinitas/npm/registry/ 
# Install generator
npm install -g @infinitas/generator-systemic
# Recover default npm registry
npm config set registry https://registry.npmjs.org/

Then generate your new project:

mkdir my-service
cd my-service
yo @infinitas/systemic


# Pack the current project modifications
npm pack
# Install the local modified package
npm i -g infinitas-generator-systemic-1.0.0.tgz

What you can find in this generator

  • Systemic framework - A minimal dependency injection library.
  • Basic express and systemic components
  • Azure devops configuration
  • Docker image for your application
  • Docker folder with docker-compose.yaml to run your app in a CI environment
  • Jest tests - Jest is a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity.
  • Open API Docs with express-jsdoc-swagger - Swagger OpenAPI 3.x generator
  • .helm templates to deploy in kubernetes
  • commitlint - Lint commit messages.
  • Hook validation with Husky - Git hooks made easy. Husky can prevent bad git commit, git push and more 🐶 woof!

Getting To Know Yeoman

  • Yeoman has a heart of gold.
  • Yeoman is a person with feelings and opinions, but is very easy to work with.
  • Yeoman can be too opinionated at times but is easily convinced not to be.
  • Feel free to learn more about Yeoman.


ISC © Guidesmiths Ltd