
This project aims to create a web platform dedicated to preserving Uttarakhandi culture. It will feature educational content, interactive forums, user contributions, and an easy-to-use interface. Our goal is to bridge the generational gap, celebrate traditions, and safeguard Uttarakhandi culture for future generations.



Welcome to the Uttarakhand Culture Preservation Project! This project aims to digitally document and celebrate the rich cultural heritage of Uttarakhand. We're dedicated to saving and promoting the culture of Uttarakhand.


As the younger generation in Uttarakhand grows, there is a concerning trend of forgetting their cultural heritage, traditional rituals etc. It's essential to bridge this gap and preserve Uttarakhandi culture for future generations.

This project aims to create a web platform that educates, celebrates, and safeguards the rich cultural heritage of Uttarakhand.

Here are the features we offer:

  1. Language: Learn the native languages of Uttarakhand:
    • Kumaoni
    • Garhwali
    • Jaunsari
  2. Stories: Explore tales of:
    • Historical Kings
    • Famous Personalities
  3. History of Uttarakhand: Dive into the historical narratives of:
    • The region's past
    • Notable movements
    • Kedarkhand
    • Manaskhand
  4. Temples of Uttarakhand: Discover the spiritual heritage through:
    • Temple stories
    • Legends of deities
  5. Cuisine: Delve into the flavors of Uttarakhand with authentic recipes.
    • Relish the authentic tastes of Uttarakhand with traditional recipes.
    • Learn to cook like a local.
  6. Festivals and Fairs: Celebrate the rich cultural events.
  7. Event Calendar: Highlight upcoming cultural events and festivals of Uttarakhand.
  8. Architectural Wonders: Discover the Building Marvels
    • Marvel at the architectural gems that adorn Uttarakhand.
    • Explore the history and significance of these structures.
  9. Art and Painting: Appreciate Traditional Art
    • Dive into the world of traditional art, including the intricate Aipan art.
    • Learn about the techniques and symbolism behind the art.
  10. Local Handicrafts and Artisans: Craftsmanship at its Finest
    • Appreciate the artistry of local artisans and traditional handicrafts.
    • Learn about the techniques and cultural significance of these creations.
  11. Traditional Dresses: Attire That Tells a Story
    • Get acquainted with the traditional clothing of Uttarakhand.
    • Discover the cultural and historical significance of these outfits.
  12. Music & Dance: Experience the melodious traditions with details on:
    • Explore the regional music
    • Understand the unique musical instruments like Dhol, Damama, Hurka, Binai, Turturi, Damru, Muruli, Mushak Been, etc., with detailed explanations.
    • Experience the grace and rhythm of local dances, including Jhora, Mukhota, Cholia, Bhotia, Pandav Nritya, and more.
  13. Flora and Fauna: Discover the region's diverse plant and animal life.
  14. Tourist Treasures: Explore Scenic Delights
    • Plan your visit to Uttarakhand's most beautiful destinations.
    • Get travel tips and recommendations for an unforgettable experience.
  15. Glaciers and Rivers: Nature's Lifelines
    • Gain insights into the origin and routes of Uttarakhand's rivers.
    • Explore the majestic glaciers that feed these waterways.
  16. Peaks & Mountains: Stories of the Peaks
    • Uncover the legends and tales behind the grand mountains of Uttarakhand.
    • Learn about their significance and historical context.
  17. User-Suggested Features: Your Voice Matters
    • Have a Feature in Mind? Share Your Ideas!
      • If you believe there's a particular aspect of Uttarakhand's culture, history, or nature that should be featured on our website, we welcome your suggestions.
      • Send us an email or create issues on Github with your proposed feature and details. We value your input and will carefully review each submission.
      • If we find your suggestion aligns with our mission to provide valuable and insightful content, we'll gladly incorporate it into our website, giving credit where it's due.
      • Together, we can create a more comprehensive resource that truly reflects the richness of Uttarakhand.

How to Contribute to this Project

You can be a valuable part of our mission to showcase the rich culture, history, and nature of Uttarakhand. We welcome contributions in both code and non-code forms:

  • For Code Contributions:

    • You can assist in building the website. We are using React for the frontend and Java for the backend. Your expertise in these technologies is greatly appreciated.
    • To get involved, reach out to us, and we'll guide you on how to contribute to the codebase.
  • For Non-Code Contributions:

    • If you are not a coder, you can still make a significant impact:
      • Website Design: Share your creativity and design skills to help improve the look and feel of the website.
      • Content Gathering: Select a feature or aspect of Uttarakhand and start gathering authentic and insightful information. Please provide the sources or links from where you obtained the information. If the information is your own, make sure to mention.
      • Organize the information in a structured manner and create issues with your suggestions, designs, or content contributions..
      • If your contribution aligns with our mission to provide valuable and insightful content, we will gladly incorporate it into our website and give proper credit to you.
  • Help Us Find the Perfect Name for the Website:

    • Suggest a Name : We are in search of a unique and concise name for our website that reflects its purpose. We encourage you to suggest a name in Uttarakhandi language that is both meaningful and easy to remember. Your input is highly valued, and we'll consider all suggestions to choose the most fitting name. Please share your name suggestions via E-mail with "Website Name Suggestion" as the subject line.

We are committed to recognizing the efforts of our contributors. Soon, we will create a "Contributions" page on our website where we will showcase the photos and names of all our contributors.

Your participation, whether in code or content, will help us make this project more informative and enriching for all users.


If you have any questions or would like to connect, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'd be more than happy to chat and learn from your experiences too.

Email: contact me


We appreciate your interest in preserving Uttarakhandi culture. Together, we can ensure that this invaluable heritage is passed down to future generations.