
RN60+ issue for Andross project

antonabyzov opened this issue · 4 comments

Hey guys, do you suggest supporting new version of RN60+ please?
When I try to do ignite new myapp and select andross, it shows an error

@antonabyzov Are you selecting Andross or Bowser? Can you provide an ignite doctor please? And also run it with --debug so we can see the full output.

Maybe this was an internet connection issue? I have just tried myself, it works fine:

Capture d’écran 2019-10-07 à 18 03 13

@jamonholmgren he seems to be using Bowser based on the screenshot.

@mikaoelitiana Thanks for the verification! I'm seeing the same thing on my end.

Hey guys, do you suggest supporting new version of RN60+ please?

See #285.

@antonabyzov Looks like React Native 0.61.4 has landed in Andross.