We believe iPhone development should be clean, scalable, and fast with a language that developers not only enjoy, but actively choose. With the advent of Ruby for iPhone development the RubyMotion community has combined and tested the most active and powerful gems into a single package called RedPotion
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Add LICENSE file
#183 opened by andrewhavens - 5
"potion create" not working
#182 opened by grantspeelman - 5
Idea: Swipeable table cells
#129 opened by markrickert - 1
Unable to apply style to UIButtonLabel
#181 opened by augustosamame - 10
Stylesheet drops WeakRef
#149 opened by buffpojken - 27
title_view in PM::TableScreen doesn't work
#121 opened by mixflame - 0
Add comments in rakefile
#100 opened by GantMan - 4
Live reloading for PM Screens
#96 opened by jamonholmgren - 4
Idea: scaffolding generators
#95 opened by andrewhavens - 1
Failing tests removed - needs TLC
#145 opened by GantMan - 3
Building vendor project `vendor/Pods' failed to create at least one `.a' library
#133 opened by Amnesthesia - 2
iOS 11 Support
#180 opened by jwg2s - 2
Add a remote_image method that can take a closure
#169 opened by willem-h - 8
Styling, promotion-menu
#166 opened by casper91 - 4
- 0
Code-example in documentation generates warning
#151 opened by buffpojken - 1
- 5
- 1
Unable to add remote image to nav_bar button
#165 opened by augustosamame - 2
- 4
Setting the on screen order (z-index) of views
#160 opened by andersennl - 4
Using DataTableScreen - Tried to delete row with on_cell_deleted but couldn't
#163 opened by jr180180 - 14
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- 4
- 8
Generated test app fails
#156 opened by dhf0820 - 1
Generated test app fails
#155 opened by dhf0820 - 12
UINavigationBar appearance not being applied
#144 opened by jonlunsford - 1
Frame isn't properly calculated
#147 opened by buffpojken - 6
What's the recommended approach for catching a touch event on a cell in a DataTableScreen?
#139 opened by matthewsinclair - 6
- 1
Getting: uninitialized constant CDQ::CDQConfig::YAML error after bundle update
#137 opened by matthewsinclair - 18
Automatic resizing for smaller devices
#126 opened by mixflame - 0
- 13
Documentation for using CDQ not working
#130 opened by acoustep - 10
`potion create` is generating a Rails app?
#114 opened by andrewhavens - 3
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What to set for codesign_certificate?
#119 opened by andrewhavens - 0
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Undefined method make_button
#97 opened by andersennl - 3
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Loosen RMQ and ProMotion dependencies
#107 opened by squidpunch - 16
Cell height
#103 opened by andersennl - 5
UITableViewCell centre
#101 opened by andersennl - 14
- 1
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Review Travis
#78 opened by squidpunch - 10
Refreshable TableView Crash On Example App
#82 opened by zhigang1992