
A parallel processing wrapper for LIRA

Primary LanguagePython

LIRA parallel

This R module is a simple parallel processing wrapper for LIRA, which runs LIRA on individual images on individual cores in parallel.

What is LIRA?

The Low-counts Image Reconstruction and Analysis (LIRA) is a robust statistical tool that is designed to estimate the statistical significance of emission from low-count images (e.g., shallow Chandra observations) while accounting for emission from surrounding bright objects and Poisson background. See its github page for more details and references.

What does LIRA parallel do?

LIRA was written as an R module which processes one image at a time. LIRA processor can be used to run LIRA on multiple images at once and automatically estimate the significance of emission from chosen ROIs in the observation.


LIRA processor depends on the following:

  • Latest version of CIAO (conda installation instructions)
  • R packages (will be automatically installed if using devtools)
    • devtools (optional but recommended)
    • lira
    • Fitsio
    • yaml
    • parallel
    • spatstat
    • tools
    • reticulate
    • knitr
    • sm


After cloning/downloading the code, execute the following commands in the root directory to install the package.

Using devtools (recommended)

Note: If the package lira is installed with a different name, please change it accordingly in the DESCRIPTION file.

$ cd lira.processor
$ R
R> library(devtools)
R> devtools::install() 

Using default commands

$> R CMD build lira.processor
$> R
R> packages.install("lira.parallel_0.1.tar.gz",source=NULL)

The above commands install a packaged called lira.parallel to the location specified by the R_LIBS environment variable.


The following input files are required before running LIRA:

  • Input observation (size should be a power of two)
  • PSF image (size should be the size of the image)
  • Baseline image (usually point source+flat background; same size as the input image)
  • Baseline replicates (faked images of the baseline model; same size as the input image)
  • ROI/region files (CIAO format) to test for significance
  • config.yaml

Execute the following commands to run LIRA on the input files

$> R
R> library(lira.parallel)
R> detect_sources_LIRA() -> yes.please

Generating pixel masks...Done
Running LIRA on all the images...Done
Generating the distributions of Xi...Done

|region.names |p.values |p.values2 |
|core_lira    |0.005    |0.015     |
|knot_lira    |0.005    |0.005     |
|C            |1        |1         |

Yeah, you are welcome!

Two p-values (upperlimits) are reported for each region. For the first one, the quantile is estimated directly on the distribution while a kernel density estimate is used for the second (not to be used for scientific purposes).

How does it work?

detect_sources_LIRA() executes the following steps:

  • Creates mask images from the region files.
  • Runs LIRA on both the observed image and the baseline replicates.
  • Post processes the output images from LIRA to extract the posterior distributions of


The following outputs are generated

  • Default outputs from LIRA
  • An averaged additional component of the input observation
  • Rasterized region files
  • Matrix files for distributions of for all the input images for each region file (stored in *all_dist.out files)

Input preparation

Python helper scripts to prepare inputs are located in the input_prep folder. These helper scripts are tailored for use with Chandra observations.

After configuring lira_input_prep.yaml in the folder with inputs (event files, region files), exceute create_inputs_for_lira.py. This will:

  • Create a binned image from the events file
  • Extract the spectrum of the core
  • Fit an absorbed powerlaw model to the spectrum
  • Create a PSF of the core with matched pixel boundaries
  • Create a baseline image and the specified number of replicates.

These inputs can be directly used with the detect_sources_LIRA() function.