
5G Core using an SCTP load balancer

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

5gcore-sctp-loadbalancer Using LoxiLB


Create cluster

kind create cluster --config config-3node.yml 
Creating cluster "kind" ...
 ✓ Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1.17.0) 🖼
 ✓ Preparing nodes 📦 📦 📦  
 ✓ Writing configuration 📜 
 ✓ Starting control-plane 🕹️ 
 ✓ Installing CNI 🔌 
 ✓ Installing StorageClass 💾 
 ✓ Joining worker nodes 🚜 
Set kubectl context to "kind-kind"
You can now use your cluster with:

kubectl cluster-info --context kind-kind

Thanks for using kind! 😊

root@ebenezer-k8s-loxi:~# kubectl get no
NAME                 STATUS   ROLES           AGE     VERSION
kind-control-plane   Ready    control-plane   7h30m   v1.25.3
kind-worker          Ready    <none>          7h29m   v1.25.3
kind-worker2         Ready    <none>          7h29m   v1.25.3

Install multus

kubectl create -f multus-daemonset.yml

customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/network-attachment-definitions.k8s.cni.cncf.io created
clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/multus created
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/multus created
serviceaccount/multus created
configmap/multus-cni-config created
daemonset.apps/kube-multus-ds-amd64 created
daemonset.apps/kube-multus-ds-ppc64le created

Get koko and create veth interface between kind-woker and kind-worker2 (Needed for the multus)

curl -LO https://github.com/redhat-nfvpe/koko/releases/download/v0.82/koko_0.82_linux_amd64
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   611    0   611    0     0   1253      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  1254
100 14.6M  100 14.6M    0     0  2652k      0  0:00:05  0:00:05 --:--:-- 3233k
chmod +x koko_0.82_linux_amd64 

./koko_0.82_linux_amd64 -d kind-worker,eth1 -d kind-worker2,eth1
Create veth...done

N.B - The koko step should added to boot-up scripts preferrable after Docker starts. Also it needs to be run again if you restart any of the kind docker containers

Create namespaces

kubectl create ns open5gs
kubectl create ns loadbalancer
kubectl create ns ran-simulator

Prep Node for SCTP (Inside the KIND VM)

apt-get install libsctp-dev -y

modprobe sctp

# Create /etc/modules-load.d/sctp.conf and add following content to it to enable sctp kernel load at boot up
root@ebenezer-k8s-loxi:~# cat /etc/modules-load.d/sctp.conf

#This needs to be added to the boot-up scripts also to enable persistence
echo Y > /sys/module/sctp/parameters/no_checksums 

Install CNI reference plugin

kubectl create -f cni-install.yml 
configmap/cni-install-sh created
daemonset.apps/install-cni-plugins created

Create Multus NAD that will be used by Open5gs, LoxiLB and Simulator

- kubectl create -f core-5g-macvlan.yml

- helm -n open5gs upgrade --install core5g open5gs-helm-charts/

#### Wait for all the Open5gs PODs to be up and running

root@ebenezer-k8s-loxi:~# kubectl -n open5gs get po
NAME                                       READY   STATUS      RESTARTS      AGE
core5g-amf-1-deployment-59b6df76fb-w26lz   1/1     Running     0             25m
core5g-amf-2-deployment-57688d5cff-p6w6j   1/1     Running     0             25m
core5g-ausf-deployment-679587ff99-b8trs    1/1     Running     0             25m
core5g-bsf-deployment-7b878b647-d5dk8      1/1     Running     0             25m
core5g-mongo-ue-import-hzxrl               0/1     Completed   0             25m
core5g-mongodb-6f9f5c7f9f-jblt7            1/1     Running     0             25m
core5g-nrf-deployment-b566fd6f9-kffrc      1/1     Running     0             25m
core5g-nssf-deployment-d8574cd6-x4bzn      1/1     Running     0             25m
core5g-pcf-deployment-bb4bb46d5-sfw5p      1/1     Running     1 (24m ago)   25m
core5g-smf-deployment-6bdd5c97fb-xw92b     1/1     Running     0             25m
core5g-udm-deployment-64469df976-twchh     1/1     Running     0             25m
core5g-udr-deployment-7d464868f7-lnkfq     1/1     Running     0             25m
core5g-upf-deployment-8645cdfcb5-44pl9     2/2     Running     0             25m
core5g-webui-66d9b59d74-wwmtl              1/1     Running     0             25m

- helm -n loadbalancer upgrade --install lb5g loxilb-helm-chart/

#### Wait for LoxiLB POD to be up and running

root@ebenezer-k8s-loxi:~# kubectl -n loadbalancer get po
lb5g-0   1/1     Running   0          48m

- helm -n ran-simulator upgrade --install sim5g my5GRanTester-helm-chart/

Exec into the my5G-RANTester Pod and initiate gNB/UE

kubectl -n ran-simulator exec -ti deploy/sim5g-simulator bash

./app load-test -n 1

root@sim5g-simulator-8b7bc977d-8b4cm:/workspace/my5G-RANTester/cmd# ./app load-test -n 1
INFO[0000] my5G-RANTester version 1.0.1
INFO[0000] ---------------------------------------
INFO[0000] [TESTER] Starting test function: Testing registration of multiple UEs
INFO[0000] [TESTER][UE] Number of UEs: 1
INFO[0000] [TESTER][GNB] gNodeB control interface IP/Port:
INFO[0000] [TESTER][GNB] gNodeB data interface IP/Port:
INFO[0000] ---------------------------------------
INFO[0000] [GNB] SCTP/NGAP service is running
INFO[0000] [GNB] UNIX/NAS service is running
encoding/hex: odd length hex string
INFO[0000] [GNB][SCTP] Receive message in 0 stream
INFO[0000] [GNB][NGAP] Receive Ng Setup Response
INFO[0000] [GNB][AMF] AMF Name: open5gs-amf2
INFO[0000] [GNB][AMF] State of AMF: Active
INFO[0000] [GNB][AMF] Capacity of AMF: 255
INFO[0000] [GNB][AMF] PLMNs Identities Supported by AMF -- mcc: 208 mnc:93
INFO[0000] [GNB][AMF] List of AMF slices Supported by AMF -- sst:01 sd:000001
INFO[0001] [UE] UNIX/NAS service is running
INFO[0001] [GNB][SCTP] Receive message in 1 stream
INFO[0001] [GNB][NGAP] Receive Downlink NAS Transport
INFO[0001] [UE][NAS] Message without security header
INFO[0001] [UE][NAS] Receive Authentication Request
INFO[0001] [UE][NAS][MAC] Authenticity of the authentication request message: OK
INFO[0001] [UE][NAS][SQN] SQN of the authentication request message: VALID
INFO[0001] [UE][NAS] Send authentication response
INFO[0001] [GNB][SCTP] Receive message in 1 stream
INFO[0001] [GNB][NGAP] Receive Downlink NAS Transport
INFO[0001] [UE][NAS] Message with security header
INFO[0001] [UE][NAS] Message with integrity and with NEW 5G NAS SECURITY CONTEXT
INFO[0001] [UE][NAS] successful NAS MAC verification
INFO[0001] [UE][NAS] Receive Security Mode Command
INFO[0001] [UE][NAS] Type of ciphering algorithm is 5G-EA0
INFO[0001] [UE][NAS] Type of integrity protection algorithm is 128-5G-IA2
INFO[0001] [GNB][SCTP] Receive message in 1 stream
INFO[0001] [GNB][NGAP] Receive Initial Context Setup Request
INFO[0001] [GNB][UE] UE Context was created with successful
INFO[0001] [GNB][UE] UE RAN ID 1
INFO[0001] [GNB][UE] UE AMF ID 1
INFO[0001] [GNB][UE] UE Mobility Restrict --Plmn-- Mcc: not informed Mnc: not informed
INFO[0001] [GNB][UE] UE Masked Imeisv: 1110000000ffff00
INFO[0001] [GNB][UE] Allowed Nssai-- Sst: 01 Sd: 000001
INFO[0001] [GNB][NAS][UE] Send Registration Accept.
INFO[0001] [GNB][NGAP][AMF] Send Initial Context Setup Response.
INFO[0001] [UE][NAS] Message with security header
INFO[0001] [UE][NAS] Message with integrity and ciphered
INFO[0001] [UE][NAS] successful NAS MAC verification
INFO[0001] [UE][NAS] successful NAS CIPHERING
INFO[0001] [UE][NAS] Receive Registration Accept
INFO[0001] [UE][NAS] UE 5G GUTI: [227 0 192 43]
INFO[0001] [GNB][SCTP] Receive message in 1 stream
INFO[0001] [GNB][NGAP] Receive Downlink NAS Transport
INFO[0001] [UE][NAS] Message with security header
INFO[0001] [UE][NAS] Message with integrity and ciphered
INFO[0001] [UE][NAS] successful NAS MAC verification
INFO[0001] [UE][NAS] successful NAS CIPHERING
INFO[0001] [UE][NAS] Receive Configuration Update Command
INFO[0001] [GNB][SCTP] Receive message in 1 stream
INFO[0001] [GNB][NGAP] Receive PDU Session Resource Setup Request
INFO[0001] [GNB][NGAP][UE] PDU Session was created with successful.
INFO[0001] [GNB][NGAP][UE] PDU Session Id: 1
INFO[0001] [GNB][NGAP][UE] NSSAI Selected --- sst: 01 sd: 000001
INFO[0001] [GNB][NGAP][UE] PDU Session Type: ipv4
INFO[0001] [GNB][NGAP][UE] QOS Flow Identifier: 1
INFO[0001] [GNB][NGAP][UE] Uplink Teid: 2
INFO[0001] [GNB][NGAP][UE] Downlink Teid: 1
INFO[0001] [GNB][NGAP][UE] Non-Dynamic-5QI: 9
INFO[0001] [GNB][NGAP][UE] Priority Level ARP: 8
INFO[0001] [GNB][NGAP][UE] UPF Address: :2152
INFO[0001] [UE][NAS] Message with security header
INFO[0001] [UE][NAS] Message with integrity and ciphered
INFO[0001] [UE][NAS] successful NAS MAC verification
INFO[0001] [UE][NAS] successful NAS CIPHERING
INFO[0001] [UE][NAS] Receive DL NAS Transport
INFO[0001] [UE][NAS] Receiving PDU Session Establishment Accept
INFO[0001] [UE][DATA] UE is ready for using data plane

N.B - To test dataplane traffic, you need to run the following also inside the my5G-RANTester POD:

ip link set dev tunl0 up

Exec into the LoxiLB/AMF POD and check status

root@ebenezer-k8s-loxi:~# kubectl -n loadbalancer exec -ti lb5g-0 bash
kubectl exec [POD] [COMMAND] is DEPRECATED and will be removed in a future version. Use kubectl exec [POD] -- [COMMAND] instead.
root@lb5g-0:/# loxicmd get ct
|      | |            9487 |      38412 | sctp     | est   | fsnat-, |     105 | 11378 |
|    | |           38412 |       9487 | sctp     | est   | fdnat-,   |     105 | 11314 |

root@ebenezer-k8s-loxi:~# kubectl -n open5gs logs deploy/core5g-amf-2-deployment

Open5GS daemon v2.5.6

12/07 01:13:54.275: [app] INFO: Configuration: '/open5gs/config-map/amf.yaml' (../lib/app/ogs-init.c:126)
12/07 01:13:54.275: [app] INFO: File Logging: '/var/log/open5gs/amf.log' (../lib/app/ogs-init.c:129)
12/07 01:13:54.309: [metrics] INFO: Prometheus mhd_server() []:9090 (../lib/metrics/prometheus/context.c:320)
12/07 01:13:54.319: [sbi] INFO: NF Service [namf-comm] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1408)
12/07 01:13:54.319: [sbi] INFO: nghttp2_server() []:80 (../lib/sbi/nghttp2-server.c:150)
12/07 01:13:54.320: [amf] INFO: ngap_server() []:38412 (../src/amf/ngap-sctp.c:61)
12/07 01:13:54.323: [sctp] INFO: AMF initialize...done (../src/amf/app.c:33)
12/07 01:13:54.334: [sbi] INFO: [6abafc5c-75cc-41ed-befa-55641de75816] NF registered [Heartbeat:10s] (../lib/sbi/nf-sm.c:214)
12/07 01:19:07.691: [amf] INFO: gNB-N2 accepted[]:9487 in ng-path module (../src/amf/ngap-sctp.c:113)
12/07 01:19:07.694: [amf] INFO: gNB-N2 accepted[] in master_sm module (../src/amf/amf-sm.c:668)
12/07 01:19:07.698: [amf] INFO: [Added] Number of gNBs is now 1 (../src/amf/context.c:973)
12/07 01:19:07.698: [amf] INFO: gNB-N2[] max_num_of_ostreams : 2 (../src/amf/amf-sm.c:707)
12/07 01:19:08.694: [amf] INFO: InitialUEMessage (../src/amf/ngap-handler.c:361)
12/07 01:19:08.694: [amf] INFO: [Added] Number of gNB-UEs is now 1 (../src/amf/context.c:2239)
12/07 01:19:08.694: [amf] INFO:     RAN_UE_NGAP_ID[1] AMF_UE_NGAP_ID[1] TAC[7] CellID[0x1] (../src/amf/ngap-handler.c:503)
12/07 01:19:08.694: [amf] INFO: [suci-0-208-93-0-0-0-0000000031] Unknown UE by SUCI (../src/amf/context.c:1546)
12/07 01:19:08.694: [amf] INFO: [Added] Number of AMF-UEs is now 1 (../src/amf/context.c:1340)
12/07 01:19:08.694: [gmm] INFO: Registration request (../src/amf/gmm-sm.c:135)
12/07 01:19:08.694: [gmm] INFO: [suci-0-208-93-0-0-0-0000000031]    SUCI (../src/amf/gmm-handler.c:149)
12/07 01:19:08.694: [sbi] WARNING: Try to discover [nausf-auth] (../lib/sbi/path.c:336)
12/07 01:19:08.697: [sbi] INFO: [57801294-75cc-41ed-8be4-21d529d42346] (NF-discover) NF registered (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:725)
12/07 01:19:08.699: [sbi] INFO: [57801294-75cc-41ed-8be4-21d529d42346] (NF-discover) NF Profile updated (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:752)
12/07 01:19:08.769: [nas] WARNING: Spec warning : bcd[16] = 0x0, 0x30 (../lib/nas/common/conv.c:48)
12/07 01:19:08.769: [sbi] WARNING: Try to discover [nudm-uecm] (../lib/sbi/path.c:336)
12/07 01:19:08.770: [sbi] INFO: [57a280d6-75cc-41ed-b47d-cd171d37f055] (NF-discover) NF registered (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:725)
12/07 01:19:08.773: [sbi] INFO: [57a280d6-75cc-41ed-b47d-cd171d37f055] (NF-discover) NF Profile updated (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:752)
12/07 01:19:08.775: [sbi] WARNING: Try to discover [nudm-sdm] (../lib/sbi/path.c:336)
12/07 01:19:08.776: [sbi] WARNING: [57a280d6-75cc-41ed-b47d-cd171d37f055] (NF-discover) NF has already been added (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:729)
12/07 01:19:08.776: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1577)
12/07 01:19:08.777: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1489)
12/07 01:19:08.777: [sbi] INFO: [57a280d6-75cc-41ed-b47d-cd171d37f055] (NF-discover) NF Profile updated (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:752)
12/07 01:19:08.783: [sbi] WARNING: Try to discover [npcf-am-policy-control] (../lib/sbi/path.c:336)
12/07 01:19:08.784: [sbi] INFO: [5a7813fc-75cc-41ed-8c2b-ab8e5962a60c] (NF-discover) NF registered (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:725)
12/07 01:19:08.786: [sbi] INFO: [5a7813fc-75cc-41ed-8c2b-ab8e5962a60c] (NF-discover) NF Profile updated (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:752)
12/07 01:19:09.028: [gmm] INFO: [imsi-208930000000031] Registration complete (../src/amf/gmm-sm.c:1134)
12/07 01:19:09.028: [amf] INFO: [imsi-208930000000031] Configuration update command (../src/amf/nas-path.c:431)
12/07 01:19:09.028: [gmm] INFO:     UTC [2022-12-07T01:19:09] Timezone[0]/DST[0] (../src/amf/gmm-build.c:536)
12/07 01:19:09.028: [gmm] INFO:     LOCAL [2022-12-07T01:19:09] Timezone[0]/DST[0] (../src/amf/gmm-build.c:541)
12/07 01:19:09.028: [amf] INFO: [Added] Number of AMF-Sessions is now 1 (../src/amf/context.c:2253)
12/07 01:19:09.029: [gmm] INFO: UE SUPI[imsi-208930000000031] DNN[internet] S_NSSAI[SST:1 SD:0x1] (../src/amf/gmm-handler.c:1062)
12/07 01:19:09.035: [sbi] WARNING: Try to discover [nnssf-nsselection] (../lib/sbi/path.c:336)
12/07 01:19:09.051: [sbi] INFO: [58dcfaf8-75cc-41ed-83be-91ec0bd42d6a] (NF-discover) NF registered (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:725)
12/07 01:19:09.058: [sbi] INFO: [58dcfaf8-75cc-41ed-83be-91ec0bd42d6a] (NF-discover) NF Profile updated (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:752)
12/07 01:19:09.068: [amf] WARNING: Try to discover [nsmf-pdusession] (../src/amf/sbi-path.c:290)
12/07 01:19:09.069: [sbi] INFO: [69ffb35c-75cc-41ed-850c-1f84f406e1d3] (NF-discover) NF registered (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:725)
12/07 01:19:09.081: [sbi] INFO: [69ffb35c-75cc-41ed-850c-1f84f406e1d3] (NF-discover) NF Profile updated (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:752)

You can see that the packets are increasing, also the DNAT/SNAT shows how the IPs are processed because of the one-arm feature that was selected.

The AMF (AMF-2) is seeing the SCTP from the LoxiLB IP instead of the my5G-RANTester IP This shows that the traffic is passing through the LoxiLB load-balancer.

In LoxiLB fullnat mode can also be enabled depending on the use-case especially where the NFs are not in the same LAN/subnet.
