MTCNN NCNN Implementation

the application can be run on X86 and ARM platform with Neon optimization.

How to build

clone the repo

git clone --recursive

build ncnn

  • ncnn as submodule for the main repo
  • to support mtcnn. I update the ncnn code. the repo addr
  • for the build and install please refer to the ncnn wiki page

copy the ncnn lib and include headers to the main repo folder

# by default the ncnn was installed in ncnn/build/install folder
mkdir -p lib/ncnn
mkdir -p include/ncnn
cp 3rdparty/ncnn/build/install/lib/libncnn.a lib/ncnn/
cp 3rdparty/ncnn/build/install/include/* include/ncnn/

build the mtcnn main repo

mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake ..

how to run

test picture

cd bin
./test_picture ../models/ncnn/ ../images/1.jpg

test video

cd bin
./test_video ../models/ncnn 0


Test data

we use the WIDER FACE validate dataset as the test data

run benchmark

cd bin
./benchmark ../models/ncnn ../images

Test Result

Platform CPU Cores Memory total images detected min time(ms) max time(ms) avg time(ms)
MacOS Sierra 8 16GB 3226 2073 8.068 287.446 47.03
firefly 3399 6 2GB 3226 2084 25.541 4437.42 351.578
firefly 3399(Neon) 6 2GB 3226 2084 10.578 1325.09 157.908