
Library used for easier versioning of your applications, allowing you to prompt your users to update the app to the newest version

Primary LanguageDartApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Flutter Prince of Versions


Library checks for updates using configuration from some resource.

It uses:


Use this library when you want to check if the new version of your application is available and do something with that information (prompt user to update the application).

Getting all the remote data

final data = await FlutterPrinceOfVersions.checkForUpdates(
  url: url,
  shouldPinCertificates: false,
  requestOptions: {
    'region': (String region) {
      return region == 'hr';
print('Update status: ${data.status.toString()}');
print('Current version: ${data.version.major}');
print('Last available major version: ${data.updateInfo.lastVersionAvailable.major}');

With fetching all the remote data, you have the flexiblity of creating a custom flow regarding the updates. For example you can always update the app when a new minor version is available.

Automatic check with data from the App Store

If you don't want to manage the JSON configuration file required by above mentioned methods, you can use checkForUpdatesFromAppStore. This method will automatically get your app BundleID and it will return version info fetched from the App Store.

However, updateStatus result can only assume values UpdateStatus.noUpdateAvailable and UpdateStatus.newUpdateAvailable. It is not possible to check if update is mandatory by using this method and data provided by the App Store.

Automatic check with data from Google Play

For checking updates on Google Play use checkForUpdatesFromGooglePlay. This method will automatically check Google Play and prompt user about a new version. Whenever a status of the update is changed, your callback methods will be triggered.

final Callback callback = MyCallback(context);
await FlutterPrinceOfVersions.checkForUpdatesFromGooglePlay('Google Play url', callback);
class MyCallback extends Callback {
  MyCallback(BuildContext context) {
    _context = context;
  BuildContext _context;

  void error(String localizedMessage) {
      context: _context,
      builder: (BuildContext context) {
        return CupertinoAlertDialog(
          title: Text('An error occurred'),
          content: Text('$localizedMessage'),
          actions: <Widget>[
              child: Text('Ok'),
              isDestructiveAction: false,
              onPressed: () => Navigator.pop(context, true),

In this example, we created a class and implemented an error method. When checkForUpdatesFromGooglePlay triggers an error method, an alert dialog will show.

R8 / ProGuard

If you are using R8 or ProGuard add the options from this file.

JSON file formatting

For JSON file details and formatting, read JSON specification.

iOS example


Android example

	"android": [{
		"required_version": 10,
		"required_version": 10,
	"meta": {
		"key1": "value1",
		"key2": "value2"


Feedback and code contributions are very much welcome. Just make a pull request with a short description of your changes.
