
A multithreading anime downloader for aniworld.to

Primary LanguagePython


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A multithreading anime downloader for aniworld.to. Simply download a single episode or an complete anime.


  1. Clone this repository git clone https://github.com/inflac/AniworlDL.git or downloaded the ZIP file
  2. Move into the AniwolDL folder
  3. Install the necessary requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Start the program from the command line or by using the .exe executable
  • [EXE] Start the downloader by double clicking the main.exe file
  • [CLI] Start the downloader with python main.py -a anime_name -s season_number -t amount_of_threads -p path/where/to/store/the/files
usage: main.py [-h] -a ANIME -s SEASON [-e EPISODE] -p PATH [-t THREADS] [-x PROXY]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a ANIME, --anime ANIME
                        Specify the anime name
  -s SEASON, --season SEASON
                        Season to download
  -e EPISODE, --episode EPISODE
                        Episode to download
  -p PATH, --path PATH  Location where the downloaded episodes get stored
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Amount of threads
  -x PROXY, --proxy PROXY
                        enter an https proxys IP address (e.x

Supported streaming services

streaming service Supported


Feature Status
VOE working on
Doodstream not planned
movies planned
languages planned
proxy support unstable

Existing downloader

This project was created to practice thread-safe programming and to have a way to download my favorite anime. I didn't see until very late that there is already another project that allows the download of content from aniworld.to. Nevertheless, I will finish this project. Take a look at the much more advanced, existing aniworld.to scraper: https://github.com/wolfswolke/aniworld_scraper