Pronounced (influxdb eye-ox), short for iron oxide. This is the new core of InfluxDB written in Rust on top of Apache Arrow.
- abalone23San Francisco Bay Area, CA
- abvgd99
- alsargentMarqo
- Anaisdg
- andygrove@Apple
- carols10cents@integer32llc
- chsjiang
- derektamsen@withpersona
- devopstoday11Dallas, Texas, USA
- Dieterbe@grafana
- dzarzycki
- e-dard@servicenow
- fabricev@sokube
- gaughenGoogle
- HorkiCopenhagen, Denmark
- jhagans3USA
- joseluisq@techtriq
- jovarela
- kipe
- LucioFranco@tursodatabase
- marzottifabioMilan (Italy)
- michalwideraMichal Widera
- nevi-meThe Data Engine
- nhorlockZyxt Technology (own firm)
- oandrew
- Pothulapati@gitpod-io
- prakarp
- raftarioOttawa / Montréal
- samarjoe
- shalyng@sourceallies
- snahorWakanda
- tiny6996Shift Systems
- vova-tarasovUkraine, Kyiv
- wesm@posit-pbc
- xe-nvdkYour Company
- yzhang1991@IBM