
Clean SCSS base for new projects.

Primary LanguageCSS

Clean SCSS slate


  • multiple color palettes as scss variables
  • css normalize
  • customizable grid by columns and gutter size
  • various scss mixins (transitions, animations, keyframes)
  • media queries and breakpoints
  • global settings + browser fixes


├── public
|   ├── stylesheets
|   |   ├── style.css
|   |   └── scss
|   |       ├── style.scss
|   |       |
|   |       ├── _base.scss
|   |       ├── _main.scss
|   |       |
|   |       ├── base
|   |       |   ├── _normalize.scss
|   |       |   ├── _variables.scss
|   |       |   ├── _global.scss
|   |       |   ├── _extra.scss
|   |       |   └── _grid.scss
|   |       |
|   |       └── main.scss
|   |           └── _file.scss


To view color palettes and basic styling, clone the repo and run index.html.

To install via Bower:

$ bower install clean-scss-slate