
This repo will hold one of the Minesweeper projects

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Minesweeper 1

####Faculty of Computer Science, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University

University year: 2015-2016

Author: Chile Ovidiu Benone

Course: Introduction to programming

This projects was built for the Introduction in programming course. The purpose of the project was to prove the understanding of basic programming concepts in the C++ language.

Project made on Code::Blocks 13.12, language C++.

Running the source code may fail on some versions of Visual Studio because of one or more of the followings:

-the security put by Microsoft on ‘char’ functions(like strcpy, strcat, etc) from <string.h> library. Can be repaired by removing this security (or rewriting the code to follow this security); -kbhit() function may have an underscore ('_') in front of it (_kbhit()); -sleep(number_of_seconds_to_sleep) function may not have the underscore ('') in front of it.