
LinkedIn scrapper is advanced search result scrapper script build with python selenium and beautifulsoup modules to find all people of different profile in excel sheet

Primary LanguagePython

Linkedin People Seach Scrapper

LinkedIn scrapper is advanced search result scrapper to find all people of different profile in excel sheet


1. Python

You can install python 3 from https://www.python.org

2. Selenium

You can install selenium using Python Package manager.

command: pip istall selenium

3. Chrome Webdriver

You can install webdriver for chrome browser for selenium from here : https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads

Note: Check your Chrome version before download

4. BeautifulSoup

You can install BeautifulSoup using Python Package manager.

command: pip istall beautifulsoup4

5. Xlsxwriter

You can install Xlsxwriter to generate Excel file using Python Package manager.

command: pip istall Xlsxwriter


step 1 : Install all the above modules

step 2: Downloads this project as linkedin-scrapper-master

step 3: Unzip this file and run this project

Step 4 : Change the username and password in linkedin-scrapper.py file. For changing you can check the Screenshot http://prntscr.com/osg5kq

step 5 : Run the script and enjoy. Now you got your linkedin people search data in excel sheet which readable in and converted in all format.