
This library provides a simple interface for pulling generated election data

How to use

To use this library, simply paste this line in the (Project's) settings.gradle file in the block under dependencyResolutionManagement

  repositories {
      jcenter() // Warning: this repository is going to shut down soon
      maven { url "" }

as well as pasting this line the (App's) dependencies block,

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.info4482021-au21:VoteDataProvider:v1.6'

Make sure to go to File > Sync Project With Gradle Files.



StateResult is a data model class that contains information about each State's (and DC) current election results as shown below

data class StateResult (
  val state: String,
  val demVote: Int,
  val repVote:Int,
  val totalVote:Int
): Parcelable

Note: This StateResult data class is Parcelable meaning it can be passed through Intents

VoteDataProvider.getAllResults(): List

Use VoteDataProvider.getAllResults() to get current election results as a List of StateResult objects