
Android build failed on 0.9

blacroix opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Got an issue at build time integrating the last (0.9.0) version of the Flutter SDK:

/Users/xx/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: local variable activity is accessed from within inner class; needs to be declared final
                    openSettings((Activity) activity);
1 error

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

Running on Android Studio, Mac M1.

NB: works on previous (8.x) version.

Hi @blacroix, thank you for submitting the issue, we are working on it right now.

UnfortunatelyI I cannot reproduce it with our current Example application, could you perhaps share your exact Android Studio and Flutter versions, so we can try with your exact setup.

Android Studio: 2022.1.1
Flutter: 3.3.10
Java: openjdk 17.0.3

Just a subquestion about this issue, @blacroix - have you tried running our Example application with the latest version?

We'll try it out with provided setup.

@blacroix we've made fix, however still can't reproduce the issue, could you please try following version