Mobile Messaging SDK plugin for Flutter projects
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- 3
Does Infobip flutter plugin support Huawei devices without google play services?
#16 opened by Ikami-Mercy - 2
Is there any return value to check if the notifications are enabled or disabled
#14 opened by Suheb786 - 6
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App crashes after a hot restart
#13 opened by ViacheslavBER - 5
Init iOS without registering
#12 opened by TonyLopesCellenza - 4
Android build failed on 0.9
#10 opened by blacroix - 6
No connection message when I start Infobip mobile messaging chat "Flutter integration"
#11 opened by AsmaaMagdHelali - 4
FirebaseOptions isn't a function
#9 opened by sndpsdhsvm - 3
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[!] Unable to find a target named `MobileMessagingNotificationExtension` in project `Runner.xcodeproj`, did find `Runner`.
#8 opened by akshay-kapase - 1
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App force closed the after init called
#3 opened by tegarnugroho - 7
cannot add action on notification ios
#2 opened by tomdwipo - 2