To compile you need :
- openCL (either amd or nvidia)
- boost and boost::compute (
- vertx
opencl image evolver
volution inputfile outputfile -a 90 -p 50 -v 6
-a - accuracy in % - how close a match until processing ends? (default 90%) -p - polygons - max number of polygons in output image (default 50) -v - vertices - max number of vertices per polygon (default 6)
Thread about what this is:
Javascript version:
C version for GNU/linux:
Windows version:
In progress opencl versions:
Wait, What?
This is a program that evolves a close match to an input image, made out of a set number of coloured polygons.
Some ideas from the thread:
Make it run on GPU! Make it run on clusters over a network (boinc or similar) Solve the local maximum problem Tweak the DNA mutation More parameters! opencl evolved images, features that'd be nice:
Features: -any features at all -screensaver mode -(gif to multiple evolved images)
Algorithmstuff: -split bigger images in smaller (e.g. 100x100px) subimages and evolve them in forked processes/threads. (Is this the right way to do this? Why not try lots of times in parallel with random differences? This would avoid gaps between subimages) -refine color palette (but allow deviations with some kind of acceptance)
Implementation: -C++ -UI maybe in C# or with QT -platform agnostic would be nice
int drawshape() { //user draws shape from ui
//start drawing shape vertex by vertex
//until max number of vertices reached or user closes polygon by clicking on initial vertex
//check if drawn shape gives a better fitness
//if it does update the leaderDNA
int dragvertex() { //user drags vertex from ui
//user stops dragging vertex
//check if dragged vertex improves fitness
//if it does update the leaderDNA
} 0) Setup a random DNA string (application start)
spawn a number of threads according to available resources
for each thread {
- Copy the current DNA sequence and mutate it slightly
- Use the new DNA to render polygons onto a canvas
- Compare the canvas to the source image
- If the new painting looks more like the source image than the previous painting did, then overwrite the current DNA with the new DNA
- repeat from 1 }
-compute fitness (DNA, original image) -render DNA to image -mutate DNA(DNA,mutation type)