
HomuWitch Ransomware decryption tool

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This is decryption tool for HomuWitch Ransomware. You can easily decrypt files that were encrypted by HomuWitch Ransomware using this tool.


How to use?

Download latest realease from Releases, Auto or Pick -> Decrypt.

What you need to decrypt your files:

  • Ransomware binary, that usually hidden into folder where ransomware had been executed. (Decryptor can easily find this sample automatically in Auto mode).
  • Encrypted files that also has extension *.homuencrypted.

How this decryptor works?

  • Use Auto mode to give decryptor pick ransomware binary sample automatically.
  • Or use Pick mode and pick ransomware binary sample manually.
  • And use Decrypt button and decryptor will decrypt all your encrypted files.

Ransomware infection example:

Ransomware infection

Ransomware defusion example:

Ransomware defusion

This tool was created by me only using reverse-engineering technics. If you had any questions — create Issue in Issues.