
Démonstration du logiciel ReFa Reader avec les collections du site HyperOtlet.

Primary LanguageSvelte

ReFa Reader Template


An interactive visualization that juxtaposes essays and graphs. It allows readers to browse items from Omeka-S-based collections, by accessing them through a curated selection of texts designed to provide better understanding, combining editorial approaches with free exploration and user-driven granularity.


Project setup

  1. In the Terminal, go to your production folder:
cd path/to/my/folder
  1. Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/sinanatra/refa-reader-template.git
cd refa-reader-template
  1. Install dependencies with yarn
  1. Run and build the development environment.
yarn dev
yarn build
  1. Preview the production build with yarn preview.

  2. Deploy to Github with : yarn deploy


⚠️ Compared to the refa-reader the @sveltejs/adapter-static is used to deploy a static build.
All the markdown urls are crawled in the src/routes/[slug]/+page.js:


Essays need to be inserted inside the src/route/texts/ folder.
Every markdown contains metadata to customize the layout:

title: The title of the essay.
date: "2023-12-14"
color: "blue"
author: "Name of the Author"
isPublic: true // false
lang: en
description: "The description which appears in the home page"
cover: "https://example.com/image.jpg"


To configure the graph visualisation it is needed to customise the setup file in the src/setup.json.

    "title": "The title of the Website",
    "api": "https://exampe.com/api", // The link to a Omeka S Api
    "publicSite": "", // The link of an Omeka-S collection 
    "languages": ["en"],
    "description": {
        "en": "Text to render in the homepage"
    "mainCategories": [
        // It is possible to customise the column layout by specifing a category and properties as a js Object. 
            "key": "Category title",
            "props": [
                "is refered to it",
                "shows features of",
    "descriptionSeo": "metadata field for SEO",
    "imageSeo": "image path SEO"
