
Health check for PI

Primary LanguagePython

RPI Health check

Docker Hub

Run as container

Run as follows:

$ docker run --device /dev/vchiq -p 8085:8085 -d duckietown/rpi-health

Run it manually

Quickly run over ssh as follows:

$ ssh duckiebot.local python < health.py

The program reports the output in JSON on stdout.

Then it starts listening on port 8085. You can get the output as JSON over http as follows:

$ wget http://duckiebot.local:8085

Output interpretation

The output is a JSON structure as follows:

    "status": "error",
    "status_msgs": [
        "Error: PI is throttled",
        "Error: Under-voltage",
        "Warning: PI throttling occurred in the past.",
        "Warning: Under-voltage occurred in the past."

    "temp": "52.6'C",
    "clock": {
        "core": "250000000",
        "hdmi": "163683000",
        "emmc": "200000000",
        "h264": "250000000",
        "isp": "250000000",
        "pixel": "25200000",
        "uart": "48000000",
        "v3d": "0",
        "vec": "0",
        "pwm": "0",
        "arm": "600064000",
        "dpi": "0"
    "mem": {
        "gpu": "128M",
        "arm": "896M"
    "volts": {
        "sdram_i": "1.2500V",
        "core": "1.2000V",
        "sdram_c": "1.2500V",
        "sdram_p": "1.2250V"
    "throttled_humans": {
        "throttling-now": true,
        "throttling-occurred": true,
        "freq-capped-now": false,
        "freq-capped-occurred": false,
        "under-voltage-now": true,
        "under-voltage-occurred": true
    "throttled": "0x50005",


  • status is either ok, error, warning.
  • status_msgs contains explanations of errors/warnings.
  • temp is the temperature
  • The rest are other detailed information provided by vcgencmd.