This AWS Lambda function is triggered by AWS CodePipeline. It copies the artifacts content to S3. It
also gives the copied S3 objects the bucket-owner-full-control
ACL. This is useful for cross
account S3 access.
Configure the "Invoke / Lambda Function" action with UserParameters
such as
{"bucket": "my-bucket", "key_prefix": "my/key/prefix"}
If you want to also send an SNS notification about the successful copy operation, also specify SNS config:
{"bucket": "my-bucket", "key_prefix": "my/key/prefix", "notification_subject": "S3 copy completed", "notification_sns_topic_arn": "my-topic-arn"}
No tests yet
rake build
This command compiles a Linux binary ./handler
rake deploy
This command deploys the code to the already existing Lambda function codepipeline-s3-packages