A Scrivito widget representing a table you can place onto your pages. Lets you edit table cells comfortably, add and remove rows and columns, apply different styles and more.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile
gem 'scrivito_table_widget'
Add this line to your editing JavaScript manifest:
//= require scrivito_table_widget
Add this line to your application stylesheet manifest:
*= require scrivito_table_widget
If you use sass-rails
for your application stylesheet manifest (e.g. application.scss
or application.css.scss
) add the following:
@import "scrivito_table_widget/application";
@import "scrivito_table_widget/editing";
You have to activate the table editor in your select editor JavaScript:
scrivito.select_editor(function(element, editor) {
You can change the list of available background colors setting the defaults like:
$.fn.edittable.defaults.colorClasses = ['your', 'background', 'class', 'names']
Please make sure, that you have set the background colors for the named class in your css.
The following code represents the default localization for English. Copy it to your en.yml
and change it if necessary:
title: Table
description: Add an inline editable table to your page