
🤖 Bot for telegram using Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Telegram Bot 🤖

BotEdu wants to talk with you!

This application was developed during the Node.js BootCamp from Digital Inovation One.

The main idea is to create a bot that interact with you.

Technologies   |    How To Use   |    How To Contribute   |    License

Collage Gif

🚀 Technologies

This project was developed with the following technologies:

ℹ️ How to use

To clone and run this application, you'll need Git, Node.js + Telegraf. For obvious reasons i hide the passwords from Google and Telegram token, but if you really want to use this bot contact me and i'll give you the passwords. From your command line:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/Duduxs/bot-telegram

# Go into the repository
$ cd bot-telegram

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

# Run the server
$ node index.js 

# Open Telegram and enjoy ;)

👍 How To Contribute

  • Make a fork;
  • Create a branch with your feature: git checkout -b my-feature;
  • Commit changes: git commit -m 'feat: My new feature';
  • Make a push to your branch: git push origin my-feature.

📝 License

This project is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE for more information.

Made by Eduardo José 😆 Contact me!