- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- mySQL
- javaScript
- CryptoJS
- Sequelize
- Bcrypt
- Express brute
- Helmet
- Cors
- Multer
- Dotenv
git clone https://github.com/ALESSANDROLMENEZES/rest-api-instagram.git
npm install
Create and config your .env file in main directory, follow the .env-exemple
Create a data base: npx sequelize db:create
Create the tables: npx sequelize db:migrate
Create fake data: npx sequelize db:seed:all
Run your Api: npm start
- Create user
- Edit user
- Delete user
- List users
- Save post
- Edit post
- List posts
- Delete post
- Like or unlike a post
- Type a comment in a post
- Delete a comment in a post
- Edit a comment in a post
- Send message for an user
- Edit a message
- Delete a message
- Follow an user
- Unfollow an user
- List your followers
- List who you're following
- Find an user by name
- Find an user by id
- Get notifications
- Check notifications as read
- Delete a notification
- Login
- Logout
- Get a post by id