Parse multiple excel sheets containing common information but with different layouts into a data store
- @TODO 2017-10-04 set-up repo, anonymise first sheets
- @TODO 2017-10-04 define spec
This tool is designed to be installed within a Python virtual environment. Once you have set up a (Python 3) virtualenv (or conda environment) you can install all dependencies and the package itself with:
pip install -r requirements/local.txt
pip install -e .
This is a 'developer' install for people working on the package. End users can instead use:
pip install -r requirements/base.txt
pip install .
The package provides two command line programs for ingesting and displaying procedure data:
xlsmunch [-h] [--verbose] xls_file
ingests a single Excel filedump_proc_db
displays a summary of each entry in the database
Before running for the first time, set up a postgres user and databases for the muncher to write to:
createuser xlsmuncher
createdb -O xlsmuncher xlsmuncher
createdb -O xlsmuncher xlsmuncher_test
Then ensure you have the following environment variables set whenever running:
export XLSMUNCHER_DB="postgresql://xlsmuncher:@localhost/xlsmuncher"
export XLSMUNCHER_TEST_DB="postgresql://xlsmuncher:@localhost/xlsmuncher_test"
If the database structure has changed since you last ran, you will need to drop and re-create the database (in due course we'll set up automatic data migrations to avoid this):
dropdb xlsmuncher
createdb -O xlsmuncher xlsmuncher
From within the main project folder, simply run pytest
To regenerate reference data, run pytest --regen
| |-anonymised (raw excel sheets)
|-xlsmuncher (python package)