
Provides an interface to the SNS Semantic Network Service for InGrid components.

Primary LanguageJavaEuropean Union Public License 1.2EUPL-1.2

SNS iPlug

The SNS-iPlug provides an interface to the SNS Semantic Network Service (http://www.semantic-network.de). It provides interfaces to:

  • Thesaurus
  • Gazeteer
  • Environmental chronicle

The services are used in various InGrid components.

Instead of the SNS other interfaces can be used to provide the service functionalities.


  • connects thesaurus, gazeteer and chronics to ingrid components
  • abstracts different service providers
  • GUI for easy administration


  • a running InGrid Software System


Download from https://distributions.informationgrid.eu/ingrid-iplug-sns/


build from source with mvn clean package.


java -jar ingrid-iplug-sns-x.x.x-installer.jar

and follow the install instructions.

Obtain further information at http://www.ingrid-oss.eu/


Setup Eclipse project

  • import project as Maven-Project
  • right click on project and select Maven -> Select Maven Profiles ... (Ctrl+Alt+P)
  • choose profile "development"
  • run "mvn compile" from Commandline (unpacks base-webapp)
  • run de.ingrid.iplug.sns.SnsPlug as Java Application
  • in browser call "http://localhost:10018" with login "admin/admin"

Setup IntelliJ IDEA project

  • choose action "Add Maven Projects" and select pom.xml
  • in Maven panel expand "Profiles" and make sure "development" is checked
  • run de.ingrid.iplug.sns.SnsPlug
  • in browser call "http://localhost:10018" with login "admin/admin"


If you are having issues, please let us know: info@informationgrid.eu


The project is licensed under the EUPL license.