
This repo contains resources to help you kickstat your technical writing career.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains modules for the Technical Writing Course. The course is designed to help you learn the basics of technical writing and documentation. It is a hands-on course that includes exercises and quizzes to test your knowledge.

The course is divided into modules, each of which covers a specific topic. The modules are designed to be completed in order, but you can skip around if you want to.

How to contribute to this project

  1. Clone the project:
git clone https://github.com/Technical-writing-mentorship-program/Technicalwritingcourse.git
  1. Install dependencies:

Navigate to the cloned project directory and install the project's dependencies:

cd Technicalwritingcourse
npm install
  1. Add your content:
  • Open the project in your preferred code editor and locate the content/docs/TechnicalWritingCourse writing course directory.
  • Create a new Markdown file (.md) for your topic and add your content.
  • Make sure to include the frontmatter information:

Dont modify the dates in the frontmatter, they help in the order of the course.


title: "Intro to technical writing"

description: "Guides lead a user through a specific task they want to accomplish, often with a sequence of steps."

summary: ""

date: 2023-08-07T16:04:48+02:00

lastmod: 2023-09-07T16:04:48+02:00

draft: false



    parent: ""

    identifier: "example-6a1a6be4373e933280d78ea53de6158e"

    weight: 810

toc: true


  title: "" # custom title (optional)

  description: "" # custom description (recommended)

  canonical: "" # custom canonical URL (optional)

  noindex: false # false (default) or true

  1. Preview your changes:

You can preview your changes before submitting a PR.

To do this, run the project using the Hugo server:

npm run dev