
Resources on personal finance and investing!


Resources on personal finance and investing


Before I dive into this soliloquy, I want to say one thing: PRIVILEGE. I can't in good conscience have any giant reading list on finance, economics, or investing without touching upon this topic. I may be an Indian American immigrant whose parents experienced great financial hardships - but since at least middle school I've lived with a safety net. And frankly, a safety net lets you make and learn from costly financial mistakes without permanent destruction.

Now here I go:

Despite being an economics/engineering major, I was pretty bad with money by the time I graduated college. Being an only child whose parents essentially funded her college education, I never really had to set my own budget, think about investments, or really - plan. This still wasn't an issue for the first two years after college. I had pretty lucrative jobs and didn't actually have to think about money. Then...I quit my job to work on my own startup idea. About 9 months later, and fully burned through all my savings (in NYC of all places), I realized that this shit wasn't going to work. I got a job, with my entrepreneurial desires still burning at the back of my mind, and resolved to improve my financial situation. I decided to actually set out a budget for myself, try to diversify income streams (via side projects, investments, etc.), and learn about financial instruments. I am by no means an expert (seriously. please don't take this list that seriously) but I wanted to just start aggregating the list of books and resources I've started to consult.

Interesting/Fun Reads

The Big Short, by Michael Lewis

When Genius Failed, by Roger Lowenstein

Liar's Poker, by Michael Lewis

Flash Boys, Michael Lewis

Broken Markets, by Sal Arnuk

Thinking Fast and Slow, by Daniel Kahneman

Websites & Blogs on Personal Finance

JP Money Habit

Mr. Money Mustache

Investing with Rose

Bogleheads Website

Investopedia - General Wikpedia of sorts for investment information

Books on Personal Finance

Living the Savvy Life, Melissa Tosetti

The Millionaire Next Door, by Thomas J. Stanley

Youtube Channels

Investing with Rose

The Graham Stephan Show

CNBC Make It

Investing/Market News


Matt Levine's Newsletter

Markets Weekly, by Alexis Goldstein

Investing Books

Investing for Dummies, by Eric Tyson

A Random Walk Down Wall Street, by Burton Malkiel

The Intelligent Investor, by Benjamin Graham

The Little Book of Common Sense Investing, by John C. Bogle

Money Management Skills

The Only Guide You'll Ever Need for the Right Financial Plan: Managing Your Wealth, Risk, and Investments, by Larry E. Swedroe, Kevin Grogan, and Tiya Lim

Bogleheads Guide to Investing

Trading Books

Fundamental Analysis For Dummies, by Matthew Krantz

Technical Analysis for Dummies, by Barbara Rockefeller

Swing Trading for Dummies, Omar Bessel

Trading Triads

Market Maker's Edge


FIREyfemmes Subreddit Fire Calculator


Basic Economics, by Thomas Sowell


Planet Money, Brilliant vs. Boring

DIY Stock Trading Bot