
Simple 4067-style multiplexer demo for the Raspberry Pi PIco

Primary LanguageCMake

Pi Pico Muxtest


A Pi Pico, 10 LEDs (and resistors), and a 4067-style multiplexer. (I'm using a 74HC4067).


  • Multiplexer pins 6-15 go to LEDs 0-10 respectively
  • Multiplexer EN to GND
  • Multiplexer SIGNAL to GP6
  • Multiplexer S0-S3 to GP2-GP5 respectively

What you should see

LEDs 0-10 light up sequentially, left to right, then right to left. (The old 'Knight Rider' demo).


This is setup as a 'standard' Pi Pico style CMake project. The Visual Studio Code CMake plugin is doing a lot of heavy-lifting for me. I have it configured to use arm-none-eabi-gcc; it will configure the project automatically, and then "build" will emit a UF2 file I can send to my Pico.

You'll need the PICO_SDK_PATH environment variable setup correctly.