
Ansible role that deploys democratic-csi on kubernetes using helm

Primary LanguageJinjaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This role will deploy democratic-csi to your kubernetes cluster using helm. The role currently supports deployment of only one configuration for :

  • freenas-iscsi
  • freenas-nfs
  • freenas-smb


The remote user must have the following python libraries installed:

  • openshift

The following binairies must be available and executable:

  • kubectl
  • helm3

A kubeconfig file with permissions allowing to install the helm chart and the resources must be readable for the remote user.

The kubernetes nodes need to be prepared with the dependencies required by democratic-csi as explained here


Default Variables

In the case of variables shared accross several releases like same freenas server for different releases (different protocols or pools for example) it is interesting to define only once those variables. The list of default variables and values are defined in defaults

Inventory structure

democratic_csi_api_protocol: https
democratic_csi_api_host: ""
democratic_csi_api_port: "443"
democratic_csi_api_key: "long-random-api-key"
    - name: "fast-storage"
      driver: "freenas-nfs"
      nfs_host: ""   
      zfs_dataset_parent_name: "/tank/k8s/nfs-fast

Variables common to all releases

Name Type Required Default Value Description
name string yes n.a. The name of the helm release and also the name of the storage class.
driver string yes n.a. The csi driver to deploy. One of freenas-nfs, freenas-smb, freenas-iscsi
namespace string no democratic_csi_release_namespace Namespace where to deploy this release
api_protocol string no democratic_csi_api_protocol Protocol to use for api requests. Authorized values are http or https. Used only for the freenas drivers .
api_host string no democratic_csi_api_host Hostname for api requests. Used only for the freenas drivers with TrueNAS > 12.0-U3.
api_port string no democratic_csi_api_port Port for api requests. Used only for the freenas drivers with TrueNAS > 12.0-U3.
api_key string no democratic_csi_api_key Api key to use for api requests. Used only for the freenas drivers with TrueNAS > 12.0-U3.
api_allow_insecure boolean no democratic_csi_api_allow_insecure Allow insecure api requests with TrueNAS > 12.0-U3.
ssh_host string no democratic_csi_ssh_host Ssh remote host used for connecting to the NAS.
ssh_port string no democratic_csi_ssh_port Ssh remote port used for connecting to the NAS.
ssh_username string no democratic_csi_ssh_username Ssh remote user used for connecting to the NAS.
ssh_password string yes n.a. Ssh password used for connecting to the NAS. Mutually exclusive with ssh_privatekey.
ssh_privatekey string yes n.a. Ssh private key used for connecting to the NAS. Mutually exclusive with ssh_password.
zfs_sudo_enabled boolean no democratic_csi_zfs_sudo_enabled Enables the use of sudo for the commands. The ssh remote user must have sudo permissions.
zfs_path_zfs string no democratic_csi_zfs_path_zfs Path to the zfs command.
zfs_path_zpool string no democratic_csi_zfs_path_zpool Path to the zpool command.
zfs_path_sudo string no democratic_csi_zfs_path_sudo Path to the sudo command.
zfs_path_chroot string no democratic_csi_zfs_path_chroot Path to the chroot command.

Variables specific to nfs drivers

Name Type Required Default Value Description
sc_mount_options list no democratic_csi_nfs_sc_mount_options Mount option of the storage class.
sc_reclaim_policy string yes democratic_csi_sc_reclaim_policy Reclaim policy of the storage class.
sc_volume_binding_mode string no democratic_csi_sc_volume_binding_mode Binding mode of the storage class.
sc_allow_volume_expansion boolean no democratic_csi_sc_allow_volume_expansion Allow the storage class to extend the volume.
volume_snapshot_classes list no democratic_csi_nfs_volume_snapshot_classes Storage class for snapshots.
zfs_dataset_parent_name string no democratic_csi_zfs_dataset_parent_name Zfs parent dataset where to create the share.
zfs_detached_snapshots_dataset_parent_name string no democratic_csi_zfs_detached_snapshots_dataset_parent_name
zfs_dataset_enable_quotas boolean no democratic_csi_zfs_dataset_enable_quotas Enable zfs quota on the shared dataset.
zfs_dataset_enable_reservation boolean no democratic_csi_zfs_dataset_enable_reservation Enable zfs reservation on the shared dataset.
zfs_dataset_permissions_mode string no democratic_csi_nfs_zfs_dataset_permissions_mode
zfs_dataset_permissions_user string no democratic_csi_nfs_zfs_dataset_permissions_user
zfs_dataset_permissions_group string no democratic_csi_nfs_zfs_dataset_permissions_group
host string no democratic_csi_nfs_host IP or hostname of the nfs host to reach.
shareAlldirs boolean no democratic_csi_nfs_share_alldirs
share_allowed_hosts list no democratic_csi_nfs_share_allowed_hosts
share_allowed_networks list no democratic_csi_nfs_share_allowed_networks
share_maproot_user string no democratic_csi_nfs_share_maproot_user
share_maproot_group string no democratic_csi_nfs_share_maproot_group
share_mapall_user string no democratic_csi_nfs_share_mapall_user
share_mapall_group string no democratic_csi_nfs_share_mapall_group

Variables specific to iscsi drivers

Name Type Required Default Value Description
sc_mount_options list no democratic_csi_nfs_sc_mount_options Mount option of the storage class.
sc_reclaim_policy string yes democratic_csi_sc_reclaim_policy Reclaim policy of the storage class.
sc_volume_binding_mode string no democratic_csi_sc_volume_binding_mode Binding mode of the storage class.
sc_allow_volume_expansion boolean no democratic_csi_sc_allow_volume_expansion Allow the storage class to extend the volume.
sc_fs_type string no democratic_csi_iscsi_sc_fs_type Filesystem type to create by the storage class.
sc_detached_volumes_from_snapshots string no democratic_csi_iscsi_sc_detached_volumes_from_snapshots
sc_detached_volumes_from_volumes string no democratic_csi_iscsi_sc_detached_volumes_from_volumes
volume_snapshot_classes list no democratic_csi_iscsi_volume_snapshot_classes Storage class to use for snapshots.
zfs_dataset_parent_name string no democratic_csi_zfs_dataset_parent_name Zfs parent dataset where to create the share.
zfs_detached_snapshots_dataset_parent_name string no democratic_csi_zfs_detached_snapshots_dataset_parent_name
zvol_compression string no democratic_csi_iscsi_zvol_compression Enable zfs compression on the create zvol.
zvol_dedup string no democratic_csi_iscsi_zvol_dedup Enable zfs deduplication on the create zvol.
zvol_enable_reservation boolean no democratic_csi_zfs_dataset_enable_reservation Enable reservation on the create zvol.
zvol_block_size string no democratic_csi_iscsi_zvol_block_size Block size of the zvol.
portal string no democratic_csi_iscsi_portal ip:port designation of the iscsi portal to connect to.
portals list no democratic_csi_iscsi_portals List of portals in case of distributed portals.
portal_name_prefix string no democratic_csi_iscsi_portal_name_prefix Prefix of the zvol name.
portal_name_suffix string no democratic_csi_iscsi_portal_name_suffix Suffix of the zvol name.
portal_portal_group string no democratic_csi_iscsi_portal_portal_group
portal_initiator_group string no democratic_csi_iscsi_portal_initiator_group
portal_group_auth_type string no democratic_csi_iscsi_portal_group_auth_type
portal_group_auth_group string no democratic_csi_iscsi_portal_group_auth_group
extent_insecure_tpc boolean no democratic_csi_iscsi_extent_insecure_tpc
extent_xen_compat boolean no democratic_csi_iscsi_extent_xen_compat Enable Xen compatibility.
extent_disable_physical_blocksize string no democratic_csi_iscsi_extent_disable_physical_blocksize
extent_rpm string no democratic_csi_iscsi_extent_rpm Rotation speed of the drives on the zfs storage.
extent_avail_threshold string no democratic_csi_iscsi_extent_avail_threshold
interface string no democratic_csi_iscsi_interface

Variables specific to samba drivers

Name Type Required Default Value Description
sc_mount_options list no democratic_csi_smb_sc_mount_options Mount option of the storage class.
sc_reclaim_policy string yes democratic_csi_sc_reclaim_policy Reclaim policy of the storage class.
sc_volume_binding_mode string no democratic_csi_sc_volume_binding_mode Binding mode of the storage class.
sc_allow_volume_expansion boolean no democratic_csi_sc_allow_volume_expansion Allow the storage class to extend the volume.
volume_snapshot_classes list no democratic_csi_smb_volume_snapshot_classes Storage class for snapshots.
zfs_dataset_parent_name string no democratic_csi_zfs_dataset_parent_name Zfs parent dataset where to create the share.
zfs_detached_snapshots_dataset_parent_name string no democratic_csi_zfs_detached_snapshots_dataset_parent_name
zfs_dataset_enable_quotas boolean no democratic_csi_zfs_dataset_enable_quotas Enable zfs quota on the shared dataset.
zfs_dataset_enable_reservation boolean no democratic_csi_zfs_dataset_enable_reservation Enable zfs reservation on the shared dataset.
zfs_dataset_permissions_mode string no democratic_csi_smb_zfs_dataset_permissions_mode
zfs_dataset_permissions_user string no democratic_csi_smb_zfs_dataset_permissions_user
zfs_dataset_permissions_group string no democratic_csi_smb_zfs_dataset_permissions_group
zfs_dataset_permissions_acls list no democratic_csi_smb_zfs_dataset_permissions_acls
host string no democratic_csi_smb_host IP or hostname of the samba host to reach.
share_allowed_hosts list no democratic_csi_smb_share_allowed_hosts List of hosts allow to mount the share.
share_denied_hosts list no democratic_csi_smb_share_denied_hosts List of hosts denied to mount the share.
name_template string no democratic_csi_smb_name_template Template of the zfs dataset name.
name_prefix string no democratic_csi_smb_name_prefix Prefix of the zfs dataset name.
name_suffix string no democratic_csi_smb_name_suffix Suffix of the zfs dataset name.

Help welcome

I can test only on truenas storage. For zol target and nfs generic, any help in testing is welcome. Any suggestion on the best defaults are welcome.

I would also welcome help in automating the test for the helm part...