
Ansible role that configures daily backups for etcd

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This role does configures daily backups of etcd data. This role requires root permissions. It must be called as root. This needs to be managed at the ansible or playbook level.

Backups are stored in {{ backup_dir }}/{{ ansible_fqdn }}/etcd/date

Use etcdctl snapshot restore to restore those backups. Make sure to set the appropriate options.

Webhook notifications only support rocketchat for the moment.


Name Type Required Default Value Description
etcdctl_path string no /usr/local/bin/etcdctl The path to etcdctl.
etcd_backup_options string no "" Extra options to pass to etcdctl.
etcd_backup_compress boolean no True Compress the snapshot as a tar.gz.
etcd_backup_secure boolean no True Use a tls to connect to etcd endpoint.
etcd_backup_cacert string no "" Path to the certificate authority trusted for the etcd certificates.
etcd_backup_cert string no "" Path to the certificate used to connect to etcd endpoints.
etcd_backup_key string no "" Path to the certificate key used to connect to etcd endpoints.
etcd_backup_user string no root User that runs the backup script. Need read permissions on the certificates. The user must exist.
etcd_backup_group string no root Group that runs the backup script. Need read permissions on the certificates. The user must exist.
etcd_backup_mount_type string no local Type of storage that will hold the backup files. Supported types: local, nfs
etcd_backup_dir string no /tmp/etcd_backup Path where the backups are sent. Is the mount point in case of network storage.
etcd_backup_remote_mount_path string no nfsserver:/path/to/mount The remote path of the mount command. Depends on the protocol.
etcd_backup_retention string no 14 The default number of backups to keep.
etcd_backup_periodicity string no OnCalendar=*-*-* 22:00:00 The default periodicity of backups (every night at 10pm). Systemd timer format.
etcd_backup_webhook_notification boolean no false Send the result of the backup at the end of execution
etcd_backup_webhook_url string no n.a. The url to send the payload to
etcd_backup_webhook_script string no /usr/local/bin/webhook-notify.sh The path of the webhook script to call (the default value is set for infra_monkey.webhook_notify galaxy role)
etcd_backup_notify_failure_only boolean no true Sending a notification only on failure.

Example of inventory variables

etcd_backup_mount_type: "nfs"
etcd_backup_dir: "/mnt/backup"
etcd_backup_remote_mount_path: ""
etcd_backup_periodicity: "OnCalendar=*-*-* 1:00:00"


This role uses the collection based ansible modules which requires:

  • ansible >= 2.10 This role depends on the ansible collections:
  • ansible.builtin
  • ansible.posix

Default webhook script from ansible galaxy (you can use your own script):

  • infra_monkey.webhook_notify

The role configures systemd timers, if your host doesn't use systemd, it will fail.

Automatique Testing

This role is tested using Molecule against:

  • Python 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11
  • CentOS 7/8/9
  • Debian 9/10/11/12