
Some simple smart contracts written in solidity along with tests, compilation and deployment scripts.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A collection of simple smart contracts.


  • Inbox.sol : simple inbox contract to store and retrieve a message.
  • Lottery.sol : a full fledged lottery contract that picks winners in a pseudo-random manner.


  • compile.js : compile the contract to bytecode and ABI using solc compiler
  • deploy.js : deploy the contract to the ethereum (rinkeby) network and prints the address of the deployed contract


  • Install depenedencies : npm install

  • To test the contract, run the following commands: npm run test

  • To deploy the contract, create a .env file and set the following variables:

    • INFURA_BASE_URL: your infura base url

    • ACCOUNT_MNEMONIC: your private key phrase for metamask wallet

      After that, run the following command: run the following command: npm run deploy