Athena Protocol

MVP Basic version The most minimalistic web3 identity provider for sharing one identity between trusted sites. Made for the Internet Computer.

Install Client

npm i athena-protocol @dfinity/identity @dfinity/agent @dfinity/candid @dfinity/principal
import athena from 'athena-protocol';

let identity = athena.authenticate({
  host: 'http://yourhosthere',
  mode: 'dark', // or "light"
  restore: false, // restore session automatically without prompting user (if user is already logged)

// Use 'identity' with AgentJS

Install Provider

  1. Edt src/index.js and whitelist your own domains
  2. Change src/logo.svg

Opt (1) Deploy with dfx on IC

dfx deploy

Opt (2) Create your own domain and deploy it there (passwords are linked to it permanently) Once the Internet Computer supports custom domains you can host it on the IC.


License Apache 2.0