
Primary LanguageJavaScript

ICBlast client library

Used in Blast Playground https://jglts-daaaa-aaaai-qnpma-cai.ic0.app/


npm i @infu/icblast


Convenience, Operations, maintenance, testing, exploring and learning.

Provide easy access to the Internet Computer from NodeJS & Browser.

By default works with the production IC network.


๐Ÿฆ„ Service discovery ๐Ÿฆ„ InternetIdentity ๐Ÿฆ„ Proxy Calls ๐Ÿฆ„ AgentJS ๐Ÿฆ„ Internet Computer ๐Ÿฆ„ Opt handled without []

Forum post: https://forum.dfinity.org/t/icblast-opinionated-client-library-undefined-or/19578

โœจ Reasons to use

  • You don't think optional values should be []
  • You want serializable responses for your state
  • You think Err should be thrown
  • You want traversable .idl.js
  • You think calls should accept your serialized values and auto convert them.
  • JS tooling instead of ic-repl or bash scripts using dfx:
  • As dApp maker, you already know javascript or you canโ€™t make your frontend
  • You already have all your transformation functions in JS. (AccountIdentifier, Token, etc.)
  • You already got used to how AgentJs serializes objects. DFX and ic-repl use different syntax
  • You can fetch something from a canister, modify and send it back easily
  • You can use all the NPM libraries like ic-js, Principal, Lodash
  • When testing if your canisters will upgrade well locally, you switch between git commits. You deploy the older code and switch back to the newer one, then run upgrade scripts. Your interface specs coming from files will be wrong. This fetches them from replica, so they will be the correct old ones.
  • Easy for hacking one-time use scripts when there is an edge case
  • You can handle asynchronicity and concurrency easily
  • You value your time to be fetching the service interface specs manually, transforming them and messing with files, just to send a few calls with a script you may never run again.
  • Catch and handle exceptions


๐Ÿฆ„ Simple - Node

import icblast from "@infu/icblast";

let ic = icblast({ local: true }); // you can also add local_host: ""

let can = await ic("r7inp-6aaaa-aaaaa-aaabq-cai"); // It will fetch the IDL spec, no need to specify it manually

console.log(await can.config_get());

Inside a browser

For production dapps it's probably a better idea to use AgentJs directly, but if you want to hack something quick or need dynamic interface generation, you can use icblast.

import icblast from "@infu/icblast";

let ic = icblast({ local: true });

let can = await ic("r7inp-6aaaa-aaaaa-aaabq-cai"); // It will fetch the IDL spec, no need to specify it manually

console.log(await can.config_get());

Interface definition

let can = await ic("r7inp-6aaaa-aaaaa-aaabq-cai"); // it will try to get candid from meta or _if_hack
let can = await ic("r7inp-6aaaa-aaaaa-aaabq-cai", idlFactory); // it will use the object (comes from generated .idl.js)
let can = await ic(
); // it will fetch it and transpile and use it
let can = await ic(
); // it will fetch and use it
let can = await ic("r7inp-6aaaa-aaaaa-aaabq-cai", text_did); // it will transpile and use it


If you want traversable interface (Perhaps making a browser)

import { explainer } from "@infu/icblast";


You want to store responses in your state

import { toState } from "@infu/icblast";


๐ŸŒˆ InternetIdentity

let identity = await internetIdentity();


It will open a window to InternetIdentity. It will not store the key anywhere. To be most secure, make sure your browser extensions with full permissions are set to manually activated "on click"

๐Ÿญ fileIdentity, hashIdentity and concurrent async calls

import icblast, { fileIdentity } from "@infu/icblast";

// stores your private keys in a json file in ~/.icblast/identity.json
// you have 10 identites you can switch 0-9
let identityJohn = fileIdentity(0);
// In browsers you can use hashIdentity('a secret that will get hashed')

// TIP: Go to Motoko Playground at https://m7sm4-2iaaa-aaaab-qabra-cai.raw.ic0.app/
// Choose "Counter" and deploy it
// Take the canister id and put replace it in this code

let ic = icblast({identity : identityJohn});

let counterCanJohn = await ic("x2ojg-ciaaa-aaaab-qadba-cai");

// sends 10 requests with max concurrency 5 at a time
let results = await blast(10, 5, (idx) => {
  await delay(1);
  return counterCanJohn.get();

๐ŸŽ  Wallet calls (easy)

let identity = await fileIdentity(0);

// Note: This won't work unless the wallet is the controller of the canister you are checking
// the status of. Also won't work if you don't have the current identity added as controller in
// the wallet canister.

let ic = icblast({ identity }); // can switch identity or go local

let aaa = await ic("aaaaa-aa", "ic");
let wallet = await ic("vlgg5-pyaaa-aaaai-qaqba-cai", "wallet");

let res = await walletCall(
  0 // you can also send cycles. Used when creating canisters
)({ canister_id: Principal.fromText("kbzti-laaaa-aaaai-qe2ma-cai") });

// or

let res = await walletProxy(wallet, aaa).canister_status({
  canister_id: Principal.fromText("kbzti-laaaa-aaaai-qe2ma-cai"),

// or

let res = await walletProxy(wallet, aaa, 100000).canister_status({
  canister_id: Principal.fromText("kbzti-laaaa-aaaai-qe2ma-cai"),

๐Ÿ‰ Wallet calls (verbose) - useful when making your own proxy canisters

let ic = icblast({ identity }); // can switch identity or go local

// we need to specify "ic" preset because this canister doesn't support downloading IDL spec
let aaa = await ic("aaaaa-aa", "ic");

// each method has also a version with $ suffix. It will not make a call but return the encoded arguments.
// Useful for proxy calls
let encoded = aaa.canister_status$({
  canister_id: Principal.fromText("kbzti-laaaa-aaaai-qe2ma-cai"),

// we need to specify "wallet" preset for this canister as well
let wallet = await ic("vlgg5-pyaaa-aaaai-qaqba-cai", "wallet");

// now we make a wallet proxy call
let response = await wallet.wallet_call({
  args: encoded,
  cycles: 0,
  method_name: "canister_status",
  canister: Principal.fromText("aaaaa-aa"),

// each method has also version with $ prefix. It will decode responses
let decoded = aaa.$canister_status(response.Ok.return);


๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ File uploads

// Deploy a canister and take the canister_id
// from this playground: https://m7sm4-2iaaa-aaaab-qabra-cai.raw.ic0.app/?tag=1212716285
let canister_id = "6zfvq-kiaaa-aaaab-qacra-cai";

let ic = icblast();
let can = await ic(canister_id);

await can.put(await file("./testfile.bin"));

let fetched_file = await can.get();
