(c) 2018-03-26 hadez@infuanfu.de
This little helper converts HPGL files generated by InkCut to GCode.
The functionality is very limited and only understands the following HPGL commands:
- IN (initialize, ignored)
- PS (pen select)
- PU (movement with pen up)
- PD (movement with pen down)
The following assumptions were made:
- HPGL pens are indexed starting with 1, GCode indexes tools starting at 0. This was mapped with a hard offset of -1.
- Machine is assumed to be in absolute coordinate mode (s. init file)
- Machine is assumed to be initialized to using millimeters (s. init file)
- Work coordinate system is assumed to be zeroed on work surface
Feed rates, z plunge depth and z-hight over work piece for rapids can be configured in the perl script.