- 1
- 0
not working in modern browsers
#47 opened by aidosmen - 4
setCamera Method
#45 opened by wujian6510 - 6
Doesn't seem to work with IE9
#22 opened by jTaeJuKim - 3
Custom compiled SWF won't start webcam
#1 opened by moiristo - 0
how to close camera
#46 opened by Github-Liwei-creator - 1
May anybody provide other size of webcam jscam.swf file?? (240x180size or 160x120size)
#41 opened by eungmo - 1
- 3
Setting other camera not working
#32 opened by arno-ockerman - 2
Changing the resolution of the saved image...
#40 opened by BartRenders - 1
- 0
Support the video?
#44 opened - 0
#43 opened by berticoix - 0
Error stringFlash movie not yet registered
#38 opened by ursuleacv - 4
- 2
- 0
How can I set the source of an img element as being the picture taken by the webcam?
#39 opened by UlyssesAlves - 2
Add Callback "Camera started"
#10 opened by jandetlefsen - 0
jQuery-webcam Not working
#37 opened by amroamer - 1
Webcam is not showed using jscam.swf
#36 opened by grouser - 0
- 0
The link to documentation page is broken
#33 opened by johnbk - 0
PLEASE! Mirror the images on cam
#31 opened by francescobianco - 1
- 0
- 3
External Interface calls not working
#14 opened by Bahle - 2
- 6
streaming video enhancement
#3 opened by bradoyler - 0
AS3 version
#26 opened by fatlinesofcode - 5
recompile flash on mac?
#17 opened by whoGo - 2
Stop Stream
#6 opened by borrey - 1
Reverse Webcam Output
#15 opened by drewww - 2
Resizing Woes
#18 opened by mvattuone - 14
- 1
Reverse Webcam Output
#16 opened by drewww - 0
problem in storing pics....
#13 opened by kiranvpr - 1
jQuery webcam plugin - how to output bigger images?
#12 opened by phstc - 0
- 0
add wmode to the html snippet
#9 opened by infusion