A simple django note taking app. Written for a demo talk, with couple of best practices kept in mind.
You can get started with cloning the repo.
To install with a test environment - pip install -r requirements/test.txt
To install for a local setup - pip install -r requirements/local.txt
run the tests - pyhton manage.py test noteapp --settings=djnotes.settings.test
run the shell - python manage.py test noteapp --settings=djnotes.settings.local
running schemamigration - pmp schemamigration noteapp --auto --settings=djnotes.settings.local
run the dev server - python manage.py test noteapp --settings=djnotes.settings.local
run with coverage - coverage run --source='.' manage.py test noteapp --settings=djnotes.settings.test
Add docs
Add forms, and test for forms.