
A simple test to deploy a Rails app on Amazon AWS with PostgreSQL & Puma

Primary LanguageRuby

Deploy a Rails App on Amazon AWS ElasticBeanStalk

First of all edit your config/database.yml with this settings for the production database:

    <<: *default
    adapter: postgresql
    encoding: unicode
    database: <%= ENV['RDS_DB_NAME'] %>
    username: <%= ENV['RDS_USERNAME'] %>
    password: <%= ENV['RDS_PASSWORD'] %>
    host: <%= ENV['RDS_HOSTNAME'] %>
    port: <%= ENV['RDS_PORT'] %>

Then add puma to your Gemfile.

echo "gem 'puma' >> Gemfile "
bundle install

Initialize a new beanstalk app through the eb command.

In case you don't have the eb-cli install with:

brew install awsebcli


eb init

When prompted select 5 for Eu-central or 4 for eu-west default region. Next, provide your access key and secret key so that the EB CLI can manage resources for you. Access keys are created in the AWS Identity and Access Management management console. If you don't have keys, see How Do I Get Security Credentials? in the Amazon Web Services General Reference. Remember also to add AWSElasticBeanstalkFullAccess Policy to the IAM User you intend to use.

You'll then be prompted with some other questions:

EIt appears you are using Ruby. Is this correct?
(y/n): y

Select a platform version.
1) Ruby 2.3 (Puma)

Do you want to set up SSH for your instances?
(y/n): n

You should now see a .elasticbeanstalk directory in the root of your project with a config.yml file. Which was also automatically added into the .gitignore file for you.

    environment: null
    group_suffix: null
  application_name: amazon_aws_deploy_test
  default_ec2_keyname: null
  default_platform: Ruby 2.3 (Puma)
  default_region: eu-central-1
  profile: eb-cli
  sc: git

Now let's setup our environments and run, in our example app_name is amazon-aws-deploy-test

eb create [app_name] --service-role aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role

Check that everything went well with:

eb status

Now, lets add our SECRET_KEY_BASE environment variable by running rake secret

rake secret

In order to save this secret key in the elastic beanstalk env run eb setenv [YOUR_SECRET_KEY_BASE]

eb setenv SECRET_KEY_BASE=17ce7f0fa59ff47be20593462cd3dc0fb8f058d2f792d923b5f9d20959e018c87d5878dbeedd2b839571ab0aa79a0df65fae67c3750db3d322a30d6b67e538f1

Once the configuration is deployed successfull go to the Elastic beanstalk console, click on the app name and then configuration, look for data tier and click on create a new RDS database, set the DB engine to postgres and create a master username and a master password, then click Apply.

Almost done. Create a folder named .ebextensions in the top level of our app with a package.config file in which we will add the postgressql93-devel

      postgresql93-devel: []

And finally:

eb deploy