Pinned Repositories
College project about a sell point system which synchronizes with Google Drive. Made with C# and .Net in Visual Studio for a small grocery shop
Complement of the Ayala PDV System. App made in Android Studio with Java, you can download your database from Google Drive so you can see your stock when you are restocking your products.
Binary it's a puzzle game made with Unity for Android devices, available on Play store,
Binary Watch it's an app for Wear devices which shows the time in your watch with a binary format. Made in Android Studio written in Java
Sample project for a udemy course about Unreal Engine 4
Domino-MicroServices it's a client side (i don't have the server side) of a Domino game made in Unity and writter with C#, it uses the perspective of microservices with http calls to play with other people.
4 examples of mini games where the Tobii eyetracking can be used
Mobile Hockey it's a 1v1 game made in Unity and C# for Android devices, consists on a game of air hockey, where your mobile device simulates a mallet and you need to move your device to move the mallet in the game and hit the disc. You need 2 smartphones to play and a third device (can be a windows device) to be a screen and let the players see the game
Potro beacon it's an schoolar project which consists in an app for Android devices written in Java, where when students it's nearby a classroom, the app recognizes a beacon in the room and opens the door for him and registres his assistance
Quick and simple space shooter game for mobile devices
ingAaronAngulo's Repositories
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