PRU Talk Notes

Industry Statistics

Which languages do you think are being used (and want to be used) by professional developers?


How big are development teams anyway? Any guesses for number of developers at:

  • Microsoft: >100,000
  • Google: ~27,169
  • Netflix: >10,000
  • Facebook: ~32,000
  • Apple: ~16,000
  • Mondago: ~25 :)

No. Developers

These show some rough figures.

How do companies work at this scale?

Version Control Systems

Mention source providers as well

  • Github
  • Bitbucket
  • GitLab

How do version control systems work?


How to practice using Git?

  • Start using it on your local projects for college
  • Create a project with a text file and mess around with that
  • Contribute to an open source project

An Aside: Contributing to Foam

Lessons learned:

  • Worked with incredibly talented engineers
  • Learned how to properly document issues and features
  • Learned better engineering practices
  • Learned asynchronous working practices