
Javascript Library for Hecate, the persistent, mutable data store focused on GeoJSON first interchange

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Javascript Library and CLI for Hecate, the persistent, mutable data store focused on GeoJSON first interchange

General Usage


JS Library

yarn add '@mapbox/hecatejs'


yarn global add '@mapbox/hecatejs'


Note: if the username & password is not explicitly set, Hecate will fallback to checking for a HECATE_USERNAME & HECATE_PASSWORD environment variable. For the url parameter, be sure to include the protocol and (if necessary) port number.

JS Library

const Hecate = require('@mapbox/hecatejs');

const hecate = new Hecate({
    username: 'ingalls',
    password: 'yeaheh',
    url: 'https://example.com/hecate',


The CLI tool must be provided the URL to connect to for each subcommand. This can be accomplished by providing the URL to a local or remote Hecate server. Be sure to include the protocol and, for local connections, the port number.

The --url option must be provided for every subcommand but is omitted in this guide for clarity.

# Connecting to a remote hecate server
./cli.js --url 'https://example.com'
# Connecting to a local hecate server
./cli.js --url 'http://localhost:8000'

API Documentation

The API documentation can be found in the docs/API.md file. This file is automatically generated from the internal JSDocs.