
Oplossingen van een wekker voor iemand die bijna niet wakker geraakt

Primary LanguageC++


A blanket that can be used with an alarm

Arduino Test Sketches

  1. MPR121 Capacitive touch testcode: connect the MPR121 sensor to a NodeMCU for tracking and an OLED 128x32 for display of result
  2. Neopixel sunrise: Connect a neopixel ledstrip to Arduino or NodeMCU, and simulate the sunrise
  3. Time clock with NodeMCU: Show the time and date on an OLED 128x32 display using NodeMCU and an NTP server. At least once wifi connection must be made.
  4. Alarm clock with sunrise: Show time and date on an OLED 128x32 display using NodeMCU and use neopixel strip to show sunrise as alarm time is approached