
Financial Management app developed in the Framework dotNet core, with the C# programming language. Implementing libraries as Dapper, SqlClient and Claims.

Primary LanguageC#


Table Of Contents

  1. Commands Using
  2. About Syntax
  3. Oder Programming
  4. DataBase
  5. Interface

1. Commands Using

Ctrl + K, Ctrl + C, --> comentar la selección

Ctrl + K, Ctrl + D→para dar FORMATO

F2 → sobre una carpeta para cambiarle el nombre

2. About Syntax


Variables: camelCase. (Ojo con palabras reservadas)
Clases y Métodos: PascalCase

3. Order Programing

  1. Create mvc (Agregar->Crear un Nuevo proyecto -->wirte mvc--> second in appear)
  2. .csproj: Nullabble-> disable
  3. Create Conntroller
  4. Create Model
  5. Create View -> Create Folder -->Razor --> Name: Create.cshtml
  6. DB Conection in appsettings.Development.json ->

-with user and password in Managament Studio=

"Server= nameServer; Database=nameDB;User ID=userIngresoManagementS;Password=yourpassword;Integrated Security=false"

-If you do not need a username and password to enter the Management Study --> (Trusted Connection)

Server=nameServer;Database=nameDB;Integrated Security=True

4. DataBase

Image text

5. Interface

Image text