Security Group Validity Check
edwinquaihoi opened this issue ยท 7 comments
Hi I am facing an issue when using the replace-environment goal ... somewhere along the way, line 133 in the AbstractBeanstalkMojo class is being called to regex check the names of security groups which fails for my environment because our security group ids (sg-0f8c950bc7329a653,sg-06d4615187690e062) don't match the regex.
Do we need this validation line in the code?
Validate.isTrue(securityGroup.matches("^sg-\\p{XDigit}{8}(,sg-\\p{XDigit}{8})*$"), "Invalid Security Group Spec: " + securityGroup);
oh nvm. publishing a new release/fix
Thanks @aldrinleal , are you going to remove the code or patch the regex? Our security groups have more than 16 XDigits.
Nice catch. I was under the impression it was 16, but amazon said its now 17 instead
(and I've had to bump some plugins in the way for the build to proceed - I believe its fixed, but we never know...)
Thanks @aldrinleal really appreciate the quick turnaround. When do you anticipate it being in the MVN Repo?