react-native-auth-module NPM version Build Status

An Authentication Module using react-native-api-client-wrapper


$ npm install --save react-native-api-client-wrapper


$ npm install --save react-native-auth-module


the AuthManager has 3 parameters. 1.) facebook_secretkey generated from facebook dev for Facebook Login 2.) GoogleAndroidClientID generated from google API for social auth google email Login 3.) GoogleIOSClientID generated from google API for social auth google email Login

import {AuthManager} from 'react-native-auth-module'
import {Constants} from 'your-constants'

let authManager;
  componentWillMount() {
     * Initialize the AuthManager
     * preferably during will mount method
    this.authManager = new AuthManager(

.then((response) => {
}).catch((error) => {



  expoFacebookLogin(APIEndpoint) {
   * accepts an APIEndpoint param of your APIServer
   * returns a Token that will send to the APIEndpoint

  expoGoogleLogin(APIEndpoint) {
   * accepts an APIEndpoint param of your API Server
   * returns a token that will send to the APIEndpoint

  credentialsLogin(loginUrl, username, password) {
   * default login usage
   * loginUrl = Login APIEndpoint of your API Server
   * username, password
   * returns a Token which you can access by .then((resposne) => {response.key})

  changePassword(Token, url, old_password, new_password, confirm_password) {
   * accepts a Token from your Account, can be null depends on your API Server
   * url = APIendpoint for your changepassword

  resetPassword(resetPasswordUrl, email) {
   * resetPasswordUrl param = APIEndpoint of your reset password
   * email = email used in your account to send the details of your new password

  signUp(signUpUrl, params = {}) {
   * signUpUrl = APIEndpoint where you send the params object
   * params = object type parameter that will send the details of your registration
   * ex: {
   * username: username,
   * password; password,
   * email: email
   * }


  1. Fork repository
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request
